
So basically DACA is now going to be used against the young adult and kids who used its services because they have their info already. Wow just fucking wow. And thanks Anna for writing this.

Not suprised. What’s funny is that I bet you their great grandparents were immigrants too.

More out of fucking touch liberals. That is why we fucking lost

Not only that but trump doesn’t care about legal immigration from fucking Canada. He targeted his anger against undocumented immigrant from Mexico ( basically brown Latinos). those are the groups, many who are my friends and family are fucking scared and upset

I was going to say. The protest although a nice gesture are just more yelling into an echo chamber. Most people who live in Boston didn’t vote for trump. The people who need our help are immigrants who are scared, Muslims and refugees, POC who will be affected by Rudy Guilliani possibly having a Cabinet position.

It depends where you live in a red state. Trump won North Carolina but here in the city of Greensboro it’s a very blue city with three big universities and many affluent liberal whites and well integrated communities of all races. The south isn’t Jim Crow anymore you know.

Hey move to NC and help turn this state blue

I hate that trump won but I can’t vote for this. We knew what we had to do to win. We don’t change the rules of the election after we are unhappy with the result. That’s like losing a game of basketball and then changing the rules to say my two pointers actually count as three therefore I win. No this is pathetic and

Don’t leave and continue the good fight. I’m sure there is common ground with some of the trump supporters. I work with many trump voters and I know not all of them are racist shitty people but just people who aren’t happy in their lives. Our company makes us work more and more for less and everyone wants to blame

Considering only 51% of the voting eligible population voted I doubt that is true. A lot of people didn’t vote and unfortunately for Hillary she had six million less votes than obama did

Lol they knew what was up and were like - eh fuck that

Btw I think I only saw one trump sign in G boro. But when I drove to kernerseville I saw a shit ton of trump/lock her up signs. I’m honestly glad I live in g boro were majority weren’t in par or dumb enough to believe in trumps bs

Asheboro randleman. All the surrounding counties except Forsyth which has Winston Salem, which also was won by Hillary. I have plenty of Mexican friends in asheboro and I feel for them right now

What’s crazy is that ask my Latino co workers if they have undocmented relatives. They said yeah they did.

Totally. Many of my co workers who voted for trump (majority white but with exception of one black man) hated the fact that they were deemed deplorable because they wanted to bring manufacturing jobs back. Now do I think some of them are? Yeah but not all of them.

The worst was in Michigan. Obama won many of those rural counties but Hillary lost them to trump

In NC where I live, Bernie wasn’t wrong. Overwhelmingly rural voters who are poorer voted for Trump while affluent suburban and urban whites voted for Hillary. Also there was a lot of apathy in the minority votes so the writing was on the wall.

The writers live in a NYC bubble. They don’t know shit that went on in the swing states of NC. People who live in the rural counties of NC overwhelmingly voted for trump and they are overwhelmingly poorer than the affluent suburban and urban whites. Here in Greensboro I knew Hillary would win guilford county but leave

But she was a corporate pawn what should he have lied about it. Should he have kneel to the anointed nominee from 08 Hillary Clinton. She was supposed to run unopposed and that was where the DNC fucked.

Change of establisment, and yes to a degree a white president.