
That’s another underlying issue. No one fucking votes

Knew this was going to happen

I work with many trump supporters and we are all blue collar working class. The difference they live in rural NC and they were white while I and the very few Hillary voters were Hispanic or black and live in a urban county

Also whites that live in urban areas tend to be wealthier and for the most part urbanites voted for Hillary. We are out of touch with rural America and they not us in the ass this election


Bernie would have won Pennsylvania, Ohio and michigan with his honest anti trade talks and income inequality message  

I just look at the divide between rural and urban areas and I think that’s what it comes down to. I know it’s a bit of an oversimplification but that was the case in NC.

Maybe. He’s the most prominent democrat left other than warren who is well liked. I think the democratic establishment probably blames Berniein some part for hillarys loss so I think they will leave him out of the loop which if that happens, that would be terrible. Add to the fact he isn’t a democrat either. I’m

Russ Feingold had already lost in the last election. They should of picked a different person. Every democrat that has previously lost and ran again , lost again. Incompetent DNC is part to blame

I wouldn’t doubt that statistics is being screwed by wealthy elites who did vote for trump.

I know we’re mad. But insulting those people will not work. It didn’t work we need to show them how our economic beliefs can benefit all Americans instead of calling them stupid hillbillies( although many are). Liberalism has become more Hollywood and less working class people throughout the years and this election

I’m sorry.

Yeah but you can find so much bad info now. I swear one of my co workers believes info wars is a reliable news outlet

There you go. I had many Latino friends who could vote not vote because they said that shit doesn’t matter they know who won anyways. Anti intellectualism throughout the country is why we have a reality tv star as a president

I know after the anger has resided that trump is president I can only laugh for now that the leader of this country is the fucking guy from the apprentice

But isn’t the electoral college based on the population of each state. Every 50 thousand people count for on electoral college

She didn’t win the votes in the states that mattered. She lost democratic strongholds of Michigan and Pennsylvania. While also losing swing states of NC, Florida and Ohio. It was a fucking disaster but living in a swing state of NC I will volunteer early on for the midterms of 2018 to help bring some democrats (true

She should of ran 2016. Instead Hillary basically had the job anointed to her after Barack won the primaries in 08

On top of the fact that there is no competent leadership left in the DNC. I doubt warren runs in 2020 unless we can get some outsider (since people are obviously pissed at Washington DC) that we haven’t heard of. Someone with no experience but who can convince Americans she will have there best interest and not tied

Let’s just hope it rally’s us into a sweeping win during the mid term.