
@JohnnyricoMC: why would you want to drink addictive worm secretions?

@vein11: this is ideal for those of us who hate their families and societies, but lack girlfriends.

@—Core—: " if women and guys can hold off on humping one another" - sadly unlikely.

@kasplat: um... colbert is kidding.

@Charliehorse: i'd be curious to see and hear some examples, if you've got 'em.

@ament001: addendum: "survivorman" is a really stupid title!

@ament001: see, i understand your point - and it's a good one! - but (and i'm not entirely sure why) i LIKE watching a man eat fresh bear shit! further, i feel i'd prefer to know grylls, irl. stroud seems a little bit like a disapproving parent (this, uh, might be "me" stuff), but grylls seems fun. finally, stroud's

@Bill-Lee: i believe "college level" doesn't really hit the mark.

@Yarrr: er, i think that's what anthropologists DO.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: @Googlo are you folks aware of the early ben stiller grown eddie munster bits?

@junior ghoul: it was a feeling i got from my, admittedly somewhat limited, interaction with paramedics and fire folk; a macho sort of thing. i really shouldn't generalise.

@jdmcd: i cannot say. some don't think art should have a point. meh.

@transitnap: you make an excellent point in that second para (which is not to say the first isn't of interest).