
i can't help but thinking that boyle was actually thinking of magic, ie, alchemy, which was still being pursued at that time. prolongation of life and accelerated growth? the elixir of life. transmutation of elements? the philosophers' stone. magic/science?

that is a fine headline.

refueling in the air takes at least two planes, so a stationary refueling tower would save one plane's gas, at least. how the plane'll stop on or above the tower is another question.

"they are also responsible, through genetic manipulation, for the existence of superpowers in mutants", says wikipedia, for what it's worth.

mystique was going to be his FATHER?!

um, i think jack kirby (or erich von däniken) beat you to it.

an interesting answer. thank you.

elric of melnibone, and i'm consistently amazed at how my life has mirrored his (minus the kinslaying... alas).

milton's portrayal of satan is pretty universally preferred to god, in my experience, and hh is certainly a sympathetic character, for all his failings (and intentionally so, i believe, for various reasons... satan, as well, according to much contemporary scholarship).

go on...

ron. is. your. fav.

yes. good catch. thanks.

i wonder if a lack of rhyme, as seems to be a characteristic of japanese songs, weakens the effect. perhaps it's made up for by other aspects? perhaps i should listen to more j-pop...

like white people!

your parents apparently gave you a rat for a pet. not that there's anything wrong with that...

specifically so that superman wouldn't be able to go after both, i seem to recall.


subject matter.

which is the basis for the "real" gl.

and that lasso was dreamed up by the "creator of the systolic blood pressure test used in an attempt to detect deception, which became one component of the modern polygraph.". (wikipedia) [which also doesn't work -me]