
In reading some post-season 2 interviews with Yang and Aziz, it seems Season 3 is questionable, and probably won't happen anytime soon if it does happen at all, at least in part because Aziz himself isn't ready to jump all-in on season 3 at this point.

"Lot's of things where they don't belong, today."

Actually, I was.

Which GOT character fucks his daughter?


Do something, Jesus!

I agree that the risk falls on the non-privileged, but I don't think people who voted third-party (or willfully abstained, which I think is different than plain old apathy, though you can't quantify the difference, obviously) were trying to create a revolution by facilitating the election of a fascist. I think they

Well, I hope everyone gets the memo that they should only vote third party when both main-stream candidates are acceptable choices.

So you think that slavish devotion to the D and the R is a problem, but the people who deviated from that are to blame for Trump?

So who do have a problem with now? The people who voted third party or the people who refused to vote third party?

It will always be a waste of a vote if people continue to refuse to do it.

Ok…were there not portions of the right that also voted third party and/or abstained rather than support a mainstream GOP candidate? Or do all conservatives always vote, and always for the R?

What if, for example, the groundswell of the anti-Trump movement fundamentally shifts one or both major parties for a generation or two or three, resulting in far greater benefits over the long-term than would be realized by continuing to support a version of the Democratic party that has been complicit in most of the

So, that covers the people who voted for Trump. But you're also calling out people who DIDN'T vote for Trump.

So the solution is to do the same thing and refuse to do anything but vote Democrat?

That's your opinion as to how you approach voting or how people should approach voting and you certainly have the right to that opinion, but you aren't going to get very far in convincing people to join your cause, whatever it may be, by peddling it.

Anyone who typically votes Republican but went with Johnson or not voting rather than voting for Trump, I guess, also hates America.

I suppose that's one way to live your life.

Everyone who didn't buy into Hillary's message of "I should be President" hates America.

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