
Any thoughts on why you apparently think it was ok behaviour to post details about her love life all across the internet to start with?

The end of relationship doesn’t mean it’s ok to spread details about your former partner’s love life to the world. At least not for decent people.

What are you talking about? The allegations *were* false. Full stop. The entire supposed point of the post in the first place was that Quinn gained positive press coverage because of her romantic relationship with a games journalist. That factually did not happen.

We really do live in a time of diminished personal accountability.  “I’m sorry that he got hurt.”  He didn’t “get” hurt.  YOU HURT HIM.  

You’re really downplaying the influence that GamerGate has had. It’s a fairly important event because it was a trial run by Steve Bannon for manipulating social media during the 2016 election. Something he has admitted.

Completely unknown? It was in actual newspapers, Victims were on talk shows. It may not have been earth shattering but it was BIG. 

Tell me you’re a middle-class cishet white guy without telling me you’re a middle-class cishet white guy.

I’m not denying that class plays a role, but there are certain users (including the one I replied to) who detest “identity politics” because they insist that it distracts from class issues. In fact, these issues are related and you can’t talk about one without talking about the other. If you ignore race, you face the

I’ve worked with so many amazing women, it’s mind-boggling that they’re rarely highlighted apart from maybe at some diversity award.

This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all

But that’s just another form of prejudice as well, I mean how many white men vs other races are applying for these positions? how many women vs male? what are their credentials, schooling , experience level? Who’s doing the meta data on this? that will tell you what’s actually happening and what direction to take.

If anyone deserves representation, it is they, whose labor produces the games we all love and play.

economic stature isn’t a protected class though

I’m a white man who has benefited greatly from my privilege over the years (even if I haven’t always been aware of it) so I know my voice probably shouldn’t be the loudest on this issue, but my god even I’m sick of how many talentless white men have infested this industry I love.


I fell off the wagon years ago, what problems did Thrall cause?

The article acknowledges that explicitly.

First paragraph:

10 years ago, nothing she said would be considered controversial.

Being polite to strangers? Yeah. Brutal stuff.

Generally agree with that, but: when a celebrity is seemingly intent on boiling down their public persona to their stance on a particular hot-button issue, past a certain point it is exactly that simple. JK hasn't been able to shut up about this for years now and is increasingly determined to paint herself as the last