
I think you’re confusing Rotten Tomatoes with Metacritic.

but all we know about her from the first film is that she’s really smart and kind of an impetuous spoiled arrogant bitch

Once again, I gotta fucking love it that apparently diversity (or whatever the fuck “American ESG” is in your personal reality) is an American only desire (and at that a lefty American mainstream only desire). Apparently no one else in the world thinks that having a more representative or diverse character set is a

Also, I gotta fucking love it that apparently diversity is an American mainstream only desire (and at that a lefty American mainstream only desire). Apparently no one else in the world thinks that having a more representative or diverse character set is a good thing.

Now playing

Ezri suffered from a lack of time. One of the best bits of DS9 to me was where she pointed out Worf (and her predecessors Curzon and Jadzia’s) absolute rose tinted view of mainstream Klingon culture. It was well written, natural, and completely in line with the character.

Not familiar with the character, but with a name like “Devi”, I don’t think the she’s meant to be a Muslim.

Maaaate thanks!

I’ll be honest, Clan Destine was not a reference i was EVER expecting to see, but it’s certainly a nice way to shoe-horn in a Djinn reference...

Man, Garth Ennis called it years ago:

So if this stuff happened to me, well, they just lost a sale.

Yeah, sometimes I seriously find myself wondering how many of these people understand what the word "adaptation" means... 

I shit you not, the show is... OK. It, like the Wheel of a time adaptation is fine. Its not a great adaptation like Game of Thrones. Its not above average like the Witcher adaptation. But they’re fine. They’re miles above stuff like Shannarra and Seeker (? The Goodkind one)

The whole Illuminati was an ultimately meaningless detour, as the only real intent was to make Wanda a really credible threat - taking out a bunch of nameless sorcerers and students in Kamar-Taj wasn’t enough of course.

See, in Earth-838, Earth-199999 is Earth-616.

Your social media experience is not the same as, well anyone elses. Your feed is structured in a way to reinforce stuff that you already engage with, so just because you’re not seeing it doesn’t mean it’s not there (or even overwhelmingly there).

So I’m pretty sure this is a prevalent thing, but I’m only aware of it from a very specific niche of SF&F authors. Basically there are several cliques of primarily self-published authors - some of them do short stories or work for hire for large publishing houses, but mostly their output is in Amazon / self-publishing

...the comment they are pointing out has nothing to do with the white savior trope. Or with co-opting Asian culture. Or any of the things that actually are a problem.

Man, the lengths to which people will go on this faux-outrage bad faith arguments to defend “white saviour” characters is hilarious.

While hate may not be the most accurate descriptor, you are absolutely correct of course. The joy we take in this - where these losers keep getting anvils dropped on them that they will, in fact, ABSOLUTELY be replaced in the future - exists completely independent of our taste in genre.

While I will never not be there to laugh at the “OMG Trek being socialist/ progressive/ full of message-fiction/ having non-actors cameo” division, I will admit that just this one react gave me life unending: