Nah, haven’t you heard the spin yet. It’s because “Republican’s have jobs”
Nah, haven’t you heard the spin yet. It’s because “Republican’s have jobs”
This seems like the same issue I have with “stop shampooing your hair and it will stop being oily”. Maybe, yeah, if I survive the intermediary period where my hair is an oil slick/I’m lost and starve to death in the streets of Boston because I have no idea how to get anywhere without my GPS
ok, so the imagery of the fur on the bottom piece is...not great, but geez, imagine how uncomfortable that thing would be if it wasn’t fur lined.
Shut up I would spend all of my money on this
When I’m not on hormonal birth control, my period regularly lasts 20-30 days. Not spotting, full on period. I don’t recommend it. Me and my IUD are married for life.
Oh, yeah, there’s definitely a reason he won’t release them. “the info isn’t important” is just such a bullshit argument, especially from Donald “show us the birth certificate” Trump
Plus, if the information they contain isn’t valuable then there’s no harm in releasing them right? His is the party of “why are you worried about surveillance if you have nothing to hide” after all
Yeah, the thing that blows my mind is that no one asked, and he still lied. Like, if someone said “hey Donald, are there any dresses available in DC right now” saying no would be a lie, but at least an in context one. Just sort of coming out with “hey guys, just to let you know, DC is out of dresses” is exactly the…
Well, good news for him then, since all rapes are total abominations, and therefore all “count”
I mean, ignoring the fact that they posted about it 7 minutes after you made this comment, you think it might take more time to write an aritcle about an ongoing shooting than a likely pre planned, scheduled article about a reality tv show?
soooooooooo states rights until they’re doing something we don’t like?
The photos at the top are pretty clearly not taken by photographers hired to be at the event.
I just checked my dr. office website, and the woman I’m seeing, who I referred to as a nutritionist, is actually a registered dietician.
I’m curious where that recommendation is from. I know nothing, but I’ve been seeing a nutritionist, and I’m a short woman, and she recommends I eat between 90 and 120g of protein a day, depending on my activity level. 55-65 seems really low to me, I think I’d be hungry a lot too if that’s all I was getting.
Someone on reddit recently got super mad at me for spoiling the end of Orphan (a movie I haven’t even seen). When I’m supreme leader of the world, you only get until the movie is on DVD/the tv show is on Hulu to complain about spoilers.
I loooooooove the MFA in boston for people who are hard to shop for. I also get people memberships to the museums in their cities based on their interests.
Oh, holy crap, I had no clue what I was listening to this whole time was a remix. I’m listening to the original now, and the remix is way better.
:-( :-( :-(
You know how I know that I’m trying to loose weight?
nah, don’t worry, all those millions of fraudulent voters who lost him the popular vote live in states where the counts weren’t close. or something