That’s the point I always make! I can re read books over and over, and there are still around 450 on my kindle. Imagine how much worse it would be if I only wanted to read each book once.
That’s the point I always make! I can re read books over and over, and there are still around 450 on my kindle. Imagine how much worse it would be if I only wanted to read each book once.
Yeah, I read pretty fast naturally, but my retention SUCKS. I always had to read things two or three times in school to retain enough for a class discussion or test. And god help me if I’m expected to actually remember character names.
I’m glad she called him on the sweetie thing, because there is nothing more condescending than that, and reading it made me so so so angry. In fact, I could never be in politics, because no way would my response to that bullshit have been as calm and measured as her response, even if I had advisors and such telling me…
you know what I got when I had that impulse six years ago? A hedgehog. and then I named her Zeus. quirky status established, without participating in the exotic animal trade or having to buy a freaking kinkajou
Seconding the thundershirt recommendation. My roommate’s dog LOVES his. He gets annoyed when we go to take it off of him.
well, I know you can sell vanity plates, so I imagine you can either pass them down, or “sell” them to a family member for a dollar or whatever.
Is that for real? Because if they stop taxing jockstraps and ties, they sure as shit better stop taxing bras and the enormous amount that I pay my tailor since apparently button down shirt makers refuse to acknowledge that many women have breasts
Oh, maybe! I had thought it was Chicago, and the plate number was 1, but I could be misremembering.
I’m pretty sure it was like, passed down through the family.
I remember reading a story a while ago about a guy in Chicago who had the liscence plate number 1. He didn’t want to get rid of it, because how cool is that, but apparently the people testing the ticketing system for Chicago didn’t actually check to see if liscense plate number 1 was already taken, so they used it to…
oh, for sure. I think as long as there’s talent to back up the gimmick (and while Gaga or Kesha may not be everyone’s cup of tea, they are talented) it can lead to a long career. There’s a reason that Justin Timberlake was one of the few people who started in a boy band who managed to have a really successful music…
well, I don’t have a copy of the published oed in front of me, but in the online version, there are multiple sentences for each definition of the word. No rabit raccoons, but there are sentences referring to rabid dogs, rabid rabbits, and rabid foxes.
I think it’s the same thing Gaga did. She’s toned way the hell down now that she’s famous.
I have a much more visceral rection to all of those than the ones specifically relating to femenists and women, though I couldn’t tell you why.
That was my point though. we, as a society, define words. The dictionary just describes how we’re using them.
I’m conflicted here, because those ARE the way people use all of those words. Should they? No, of course not, it’s gendered bullshit. But we have a language that’s descriptive, and pointing out that those are common sentences containing those words is merely a statement of reality. I don’t know that it’s a…
She also got a full ride to Barnard (which is Columbia’s all women sister school). She pursued music instead, but she really is brilliant.
God I just love her so much. I want to give her a hug and tell her it’s all going to be okay.
I’ve always felt like turtlenecks emphasized them more on me. Sure, there’s no cleavage, but it does make it really obvious that more than half the length of my torso is boob.
yeah, I knew most, but there were a couple that I didn’t know that are genuinely really exciting for me (reopening recently closed tabs, deleting in the calculator app). I normally skip these articles, because I’m pretty proficient with my phone, but I’m glad this one felt compelling enough to do so.