
That happened to me a lot while I was in Spain, weirdly. I was also 13/14, and looked it, which added a whole extra layer of creepy. But there is no other activity in the WORLD that can signify “I don’t want to talk to you” more than talking on the phone with someone else.

of course! Everyone knows how proud parents get of their children’s huge...dogs?

was that the designer where he only used various shade of grey and beige? I hated that guy

oh man, yes! Also, whenever they get the design for Heidi challenge they’re always like “I can’t believe it! Designing for Heidi?! This has happened every season for the past 11 seasons, and yet I’m somehow totally shocked!”

I commented on facebook recently that if I were ever on project runway, I would fake a breakdown, just so that Tim would come comfort me. I think hearing he was dissappointed in me would be worse than hearing it from my own mother.

My mom did this once, except she accidentally put her toe fungus medication (also in drop form) in her eye

Definitely not. This is what it looked like after my hairdresser lifted and bleached. Any more than that, and she said it would destroy my hair. How light were you to start with though?

yeah, in my high school, the homecoming queen nominees were always all cheerleaders, with maybe a token marching band member. But the cheerleaders at my school weren’t actually super popular compared to say, the field hockey players or something. Cheerleaders never won prom queen.

Right now it’s ombred so I can grow out my natural brown color. Once it’s all grown out, and my hair is basically all virgin again, I’m going to try and get the blonde I really wanted. I told my stylist once I’d done that, I was going to come back the next day and ask her to dye it red again. She told me she’d murder

yeah, I had to strip the red, dye it brown, then go back later to bleach the brown down to blonde. And the red is still hiding underneath it all. Post-stripping, it was this terrifying shade of orange-pink.

I just recently went from red to blonde (neither my natural hair color). I’d been red for about 3 years. It took multiple dye jobs across a few weeks, and hundreds of dollars, and the blonde is still a little bit more strawberry than I’d like.

I can’t decide which idea I like more. That you made this image just now for this comment, or that you already had it on your hard drive for some reason.

it actually wasn’t too expensive, and he totally makes smaller ones, if you’re looking for something similar. I got it here:

Well, I’ve always sort of figured that Men Going Their Own Way was a bit of a “you can’t fire me, I quit” situation.

really? I’ve only ever heard in the context of either Men Going Their Own Way, or people arguing that the government should provide government paid for prostitutes for them to sleep with, because it’s a human rights issue that they’re not having sex.

well, there’s a movement of guys who call themselves incels, which is a portmanteau for involuntarily celibate.

Don’t touch other people without permision. Don’t Touch Other People Without Permission. DON’T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT PERMISSION!

nope, same shampoo and conditioner as always. but hopefully the scrub (which I use in the shower) will force me to thoroughly clean my forehead as well.

The pimples on my forehead aren’t actually white, they’re the same color as my skin. I just looked at some pictures, it’s definitely not milia. You can’t even really see them, it just bothers me because I can feel them when I touch my face, and I want it to be all smooth and nice.

Thank you! I’ll definitely look into that.