
our dog is the same. In fact, it was what inspired us to get him a thundershirt. He was getting growly whenever we’d go to take his jack-o-lantern costume off, but it was a little weird to let him wear it all year round, plus it was getting gross, and since it was a cheap dog costume, it wasn’t exactly designed for

hm, I’m an american, and I totally do a mix of temps at our cooler because I hate how cold the water is. But it has literally never even occured to me that I could as a restaurant to change my water temperature. I just wait until the ice melts and it’s not so cold it hurts.

haha, no, urban decay is a very real makeup brand, I just screwed up.

BRB, flying to Slovakia

I noticed the error too late to change it, yeah, I did mean urban outfitters.

I meant urban outfitters, I didn’t notice the error until it was too late to change it. But yeah, I’m not sure if it’s etsy specifically, but they get called out a lot for stealing images and designs from smaller, independent artists who don’t have the means to sue them.

You are right, that’s absolutely what I meant, and now it’s too late to edit, dammit.

Why do I feel like it’s more likely that they both copied the same etsy designer or something? Or is that just Urban Decay.

I am obsessed with Wheels, Ontario. The other than a few sketches that really annoyed me, the whole show is gold, but Wheels, Ontario was far and away the best part.

I had to fly without an ID once when the hotel I’d stayed at forgot to give mine back to me when I checked in, and I didn’t notice until I was in the security line. They took my work ID, Costco ID, and a couple of credit cards as enough proof. I just had to go through the extra-special screening, which I don’t know

Jamberry is an MLM company that sells nail polish stickers.

Considering they didn’t allow him to call his parents when he asked for them while they were “not interogating” him, I’m sure they police will swear to high heaven that they never arrested him no sir, and if that kid thought he was being arrested, what with the handcuffs and the conversation that was definitely not an

Is that a respectability politics thing? My mom told me the one time she painted her nails red in her youth, her dad held her hands under hot water “until the nailpolish washed off” (he was obviously an abusive shithead) because he didn’t want her to look like a whore, and that was a white family in England in the ‘60s

I think the rectangle bit is supposed to hang below your earlobe? so you put the post through your ear like normal. Then you take the piece with the rectangle on it, and hang it on the post from whichever hole on there is at the appropriate height to have the rectangle below your earlob. Then slide the earring back on

What are people's opinions about disclosing a curable sti that has since been tested negative for?

Yeah, my school used to take everyone in the music programs on some really cool week long trips every two years, until the year a bunch of sophomores smuggled alcohol on the trip with them, and got so drunk and rowdy in the hotel that basically every other guest staying there called the front desk to complain. Luckily

holy crap. I don’t know if anyone every got hospitalized. I do know that techinically, teachers were supposed to send you to the principals office to get drug tested if you fell asleep in class, because supposedly it was evidence that you were high. The teachers all ignored this though, because when school starts at

My high school started having random sniff checks of water bottles in class after some kids were caught drinking vodka out of them

I would say a solid 50% of the guys who message me on ok Cupid are fat fetishists. And 100% of the guys I've dated in the past 5 years were willing to be with me in private or around my friends, but we're in no way willing to call themselves my boyfriend and have to admit to their friends and family that we were

It’s out of stock in the coral right now, but this is it in blue