
well, as a short person, the last time this trend came around, it was actually kind of nice for me, because I could just buy ankle-pants, and, for the first time in my life, wear them as regular pants without having to have anything hemmed. But I have no clue why a tall, or even normal height person would be in

oh my god, please join me in this bulldog servant world. That sounds adorable and amazing and now I really want a cucumber sandwich with no crusts.

that is too cute! I just got this dress to wear to a wedding, but I sort of want to wear it all the time forever.

yeah, maybe it’s because I’ve been on a project runway binge, but all I can hear in my head right now is Michael Kors saying “it’s not supposed to be a costume!”

God, yes, team fit and flare. I’ll just be over here hanging out at modcloth, sheilding my eyes from those button skirts

those ankle flares just make it look like the model had some kind of insane growth spurt halfway through the day, and she just has to awkwardly wear too short pants until she can go home and change into something that fits.

I actually really like this print. The one on the left is hideous though

What in the hell is happening here? It looks like her body is 95% leg, and she’s slouching the 5% of her that is torso

My faith says gay people can get married. So. She’s not doing so hot fighting for me

The pinkies are 9. 12 didn't exist yet when I had this done

no I get why someone would sell one. But she didn’t order it, and she has no clue why someone else would order it and send it to her.

There was a nail painting booth at NYCC last year

It came from ebay, though I supposed her boyfriend could have ordered it off of ebay for her. Its...a weird prank, if that’s what it was.

One of my (female) coworkers received a used, positive pregnancy test in the mail at work the other day. Nothing else in the padded envelope, just a pregnancy test. We have NO. CLUE. why

Oh god. I’m now both terrified and tempted to see if my neighborhood is on there. To be fair though, we have a legit drug dealer living across the street, and since he doesn’t have street parking, his customers tend to park outside my house. So I do actually see quite a few suspicious persons around.

My next door neighbor just posted a picture of an empty podium that says “8 police officers in 9 days. Here is president Obama’s press conference”. There much I could say about this, including the fact that, as far as I could tell, 5 of those deaths were from illness and traffic accidents, which are, of

There’s actually a really funny Lonely Island song where they just sing about doing all this fun crazy stuff to try and get the studio to pay for the music video of it. As far as I know, there isn’t actually a music video :-(

yup! I have one of those in my glove compartment, as well as a kit that has like road flares and a first aid kit and such that lives in my trunk.

I occassionally drove home a coworker who refused to wear a seatbelt because a friend of his died in a situation where he might have been okay without it. I’m not sure of the exact details, but it was something like the seatbelt locked on, and he died before they could get him out of the car. Horrific, obviously, but