
I was a t a bridal shower recently where everyone was invited to bring their dogs, but only if they dressed them as a bride or a groom. So many dogs in white dresses or bow ties!

The fac that's it's not about a person named grace is actually kind of revelatory to me right now. I guess I never really thought the lyrics through too much.

For the scrooge mcduck-style pool out back, duh

I'm genuinely really disappointed the money wasn't in a giant burlap sack with a big black dollar sign on the side. Are you telling me cartoons lied?

She was my favorite judge on the second season of the sing-off. And all of the judges were delightful, so that’s a hard title to win

I’m sorry, was that a trigger warning? PC America is just going too far

I hope it helps. I never really get professional manicures, so I can’t speak to how much it helps with that, but I do use acetone to remove my polish, rather than the watered down non-acetone stuff you can buy, because I’m lazy, and acetone works better. It’s just also pretty bad for your nails, but despite that, my

I use the nails inc caviar basecoat, and it’s been amazing for me

If this fucker gets a speedy trial just so he can run for re-election after kalief browder spent 3 years in rikers with no trial because he couldn't afford bail, for being accused of stealing a backpack then...I don't know what I'll do. It feels like there's nothing I can do

Yeah, I 100% believe her. I’ve never heard of the terrorist group, and I mean, I’m not famous, so no one is video taping me saying things in foreign languages, but if someone did ask me to say something in another language for them, if they seemed nice enough, I’d probably just do it, if it means so much to them.

Food, and shelter are pretty high up on the list of things “in this world that you need so badly to have to put up with this treatment from people”

The article says it’s a private residence, so my guess is that they don’t actually have the authority to go in and remove it for them

If I were Jennifer Aniston, I would do everything in my power to get married and have a kid in secret. Like, Clint Barton style secret family. And then, when my kid was 18, I’d go out in public near some paparazzi, and when they asked who he/she was, I’d be like “Oh, that’s my kid. You know, Sam? Did you not know I’m

Her face looks waaaay narrower and more trangular in the wax figure. I only really recognize it as Nicki because I recognize the outfit and pose from the video.

I’m going to a wedding in October for a couple who’s doing that. They’re still deciding what to do, but the plan is to make a combo name.

So a woman cuts her hair and stops wearing dresses and heels and still has to cut her internship 3 months short (Hooray women being punished professionally for dicks that are out of their control) and they’re STILL going to try to make the argument that a dress code is going to help. Maybe they can issue binders as

They all look pretty metallic, which is sci-fi-y. I can see where they’re going with it

The thing that gets me is when people do something gross while wearing their gloves, then handle food, like the fact that they have gloves on makes it better.

Our sales goals were typically based on the same day in the previous calendar year when I worked at the Sharper Image, which is a terrible way to do things for pretty much the same reasons. Oh, you mean we’re 80% under our sales goal, because last year this was Black Friday? Weird.

I’ve never been grossed out by hair, so this also confuses me. It’s not particularly disease prone or anything, I’d be way more concerned about the people handling my food washing their hands.