
I worked for a while in an electronics store, and a customer came in on Saturday to fish the names of a manager and a couple of employees out of me (I didn’t realize what she was doing until after the fact). Then she came in on Sunday and tried to claim that our employee “Emily” had broken her phone screen while

I buy stuff at dunkin donuts regularly, and I guess it’s because of my privelege in always having enough money for the little things, but I have no idea how much stuff in dunkin’s normally costs. I can not imagine any situation in which I’d even notice being charged 50 cents more than usual

This is part of why the “why don’t you just turn us down nicely!?” narrative pisses me off. Not because men can and will get violent, though that’s also an issue, but because SO MANY men position it in a way so that they aren’t obviously asking you out. They just make it clear that they want to date you through

I think I've heard of bars doing that actually. So you can make sure you're not pregnant before getting drunk I guess

God I hope so, she seemed older than I was one I got my first job, but definitely young enough that it was in the realm of possibility. I like to think that even at 16 though, I would have known that really, never comment on a customer’s purchase, but ESPECIALLY never comment on something sensitive and personal like

I was in line at Target once behind a guy buying a pregnancy test. The cashier was so. awkward. It was a little something like “I hope it’s positive! Or, you know, not that you want a kid. If you don’t, I hope it’s negative! Or well, I mean, uhhhh, just, well, good luck, whatever you’re hoping for” while this poor,

It’s interesting, because the arguments that they were making against an in-home test (if it’s a teenager or someone who doesn’t want the pregnancy, they won’t have access to immediate couseling and medical care) look exactly like the arguments I’ve seen against in-home HIV tests. I wonder if those will eventually

I was obsessed with that movie when I was younger, but I haven’t watched it in ages. I’m going to have to track it down.

I imagine it was a litte different since the character’s name was Miley, her father was played by her actual father, and she released a couple of albums as Hannah Montana. So I think there was a lot of pressure, whether from the media or her family, or both, for her to basically BE her character on the show, in all

But cutting kids hair to make them look like old men and then posting them on the internet to mock is so much more productive! I’m shocked!

Based on the email he sent me several weeks after I found out about his “diagnosis”? So that I would keep having sex with him.

I dated a guy who lied about having terminal cancer after I broke up with him. There’s a special place in hell.

I don’t think he ever actual managed to beat his son, did he? It says he pushed her head into the fridge after she stopped him from beating his son with a belt. I’m still not sure if it would be attempted assault, or if they could have charged him if he’d succeeded, but at least in this case, he didn’t actually get a

Yeah, he had a criminal record for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. What lady wouldn’t want to get all over that? It’s not like he had a warrant out for unpaid parking tickets or something.

Man, men with domestic violence convictions just can’t get a fair shake in the dating world. Don’t those bitches understand his ex was crazy?

Because police women have training, both to make them stronger, and in how to handle a firearm and keep it away from an assailant, no emotional attachment to the person they’re potentially shooting, and a much stronger net of legal protection if they shoot earlier in the altercation, as opposed to many abused women

an armed woman who is otherwise weaker, physically, than the unarmed man has just armed that man. Every statistic back that up.

that gun will be real useful when your abuser either a. finds it before you have a chance to use it or b. wrestles it away from you before you have a chance to use it. Yay! now your abuser has a gun, and at least you’ll probably suffer less if you die from a gunshot wound than from being beaten to death

At my school we started at 7:30 to get done at 2:30 because of after school activites. We were supposed to be done before dark, nevermind that even with school ending at 2:30, we still had play practices that went until 9 or 10, marching band practices from 6-10PM at least once a week, and I had a radio show once a

They’ve repeatedly done studies that show that teenagers bodies are on a different internal clock that puts them to sleep later, and wakes them up later. And yet every single article about starting school later, there’s countless comments about how soft and weak people are now. Waking up early is not a moral issue. I