
I am obsessed with every makeup look she has in the Cool For The Summer music video. I’m too pale to pull off that thing she does with the huge amount of highlighter at the tops of her cheek bones, but I wish I could, because I’m in love with it.

yeah. assuming the sentences have the same context, and Chris Brown’s two sentences above do, then using males is dehumanizing to men. It isn’t, of course, back up by societies continued efforts to dehumanize men the way that they try to dehumanize women, but it is, inherently, dehumanizing. Like, the word male or

This is like 1000 times magnified the reason why I dislike public proposals. Take all the pressure of everyone in the baseball stadium looking at you to see if you’ll say yes, and increase it by a judge telling you the man you love will go to jail unless you say yes, plus the entire internet talking about it. She

if it’s synonymous, then so is male. When you use one and not the other, it may not be deliberate, but you are dehumanizing women.


If you don’t think it’s misogyny, then it’s up to you to propose an alternate reason. While there are people who refer to men and women as males and females, mostly the military, I would love to know your explanation for someone refering to men as men and women as females that doesn’t involve dehumanizing them.

I’m with you. Elderly folks that think they deserve respect JUST for being elderly really really annoy me

Sure? I mean, even if you aren’t worried about being perceived as harrassing or hitting on a woman, most people, in my experience, just want to read their book/watch their movie/work on their work project and get on with their lives.

They kept hyping it on So You Think You Can Dance, but I was watching it on Hulu, so every time Kat Deely said they were cutting to a preview, it just went to one of Hulu’s commercials. So I still have NO CLUE what it was all about, despite all of Kat’s desperate promises that I would love it. Some one really does

Oh my god, is that really why he’s Hov/Hova? I always knew it was his nickname, but I never knew why. This is the greatest thing.

Those ones a freaking adorable, and 100% acceptable. They just came out with a slotted spoon one that nestles into the back of the ladle one

Can you tell me why they appeal? I have an oxo peeler than I love, but I really hate the peelers with the horizontal blade like those. I much prefer the ones with the vertical blade, but I think I may be missing some technique to using the horizontal ones

When it comes to zesters, microplane or GTFO. And yes, I don’t think ladle technology has improved to the point where one could justify that much more for one. There’s not many variations on bowl at end of stick that could make much of a difference in it’s ability to ladle soup for you.

All I can focus on is the fact that there’s a ladle, and what appear to be 3 seperate peelers. Like. I’m waaaaay beyond kitchen basics. I bake an obscene amount. I cook slightly less, but my meals are all homemade. I have a lot of kitchen things. And I have one peeler, and no ladle. I’m a person that owns 5 different

Maybe it’s because in college and post college, I’ve lived in West Roxbury, Braintree, and Stoughton. I’ve always known that Boston was a pretty racist city, based on how segregated it tends to be, but I’ve also never lived in like, Somerville, with all the white liberal educated college grads who say shit like “I

I didn’t realize there actually WERE people against it politically. It seems like such a no brainer to me, I figured the only objection had to be financial. I guess it’s because I’m not a huge fucking racist.

The thing that makes me crazy about Boston is that last call is at 2, and the T stops at like, 1. They seriously can’t extend things by an hour to catch all the drunk people leaving the bars? I’ve driven (sober) in Boston around the time the bars close, and it’s like a twisted game of frogger with me trying not to hit

Yeah, isn’t there some statistic that shows that dry towns actually have higher rates of drunk driving accidents, because you have to drive to the next town over to drink, instead of potentially having someplace in walking distance? So everyone “has” to drive home drunk, from outside of town?

I got threatened to be hit a few times, and a woman once told me I was a soulless person who didn’t deserve to live because my company filed for chapter 11, and as part of the agreement, the judge wouldn’t allow the stores that were closing (which wasn’t all of them) to accept gift cards. No spit though!

I’ve never been asked before, but I’ve decided that I’m going with Turning Japanese