Rolling holey smoke

That really poisons the comments section, doesn’t it? Kind of sours the tone of the whole thing, while distracting completely from any fruitful conversation. What a bummer.

Same - I read all the Xanth books as a kid and loved them, and then I re-read a bunch of them (plus the Incarnations of Immortality and the Apprentice Adept ones) as an adult and I was suuuuuuuper grossed out by his depictions of literally anything related to gender and sex, and now I’m concerned about how much that

OBVIOUSLY. Women are either hot and dumb, or ugly and wise. Or somewhere along that spectrum. It’s just science, duh.

And whose intelligence is inversely related to how hot she is? AWESOME!!!

A female character who changes depending on the time of the month! GENIUS!!!

Piers Anthony’s depiction of women generally is horrible. I LOVED his books as a young reader, until finally the “WTF?” pile built up too high and I just couldn’t move past it anymore.

I often really enjoy listening to Terry Gross, but I’m with all of the ambivelents here. Her interviews are entertaining, but they never feel like the guest is the subject of the interview. It always feels like it is about Terry and what she wants us to know about what she thinks about the guest. She could have had a

Well, she’s so sweet. But we also know a little more of her backstory than the other girls at this stage and what we know makes us root for her.

Episode 1: I hate this boring show. I especially hate the main character.

This may come as a shocker, but I am starting to think the Republican party doesn’t really have any principles?

like 95% of the men I’ve dated have had a thing for red heads.

Well said.

I just came

Exactly. I mean, if everyone has healthcare, how will we tell between the hardworking Americans God has chosen to save and the lazy takers who are going to hell?

Move to Lincoln, Nebraska. They have a ton of those and a cool program that will offer you a forgivable loan (up to 20,000) to fix it up. I am getting a lovely 1600 square foot 1900 farm house. It’s got a crawl space attic, a basement, two decent sized bedrooms upstairs with a sitting room area. A foyer (with

i got about 15 seconds in and said “nope. no no no nope, shut it down” IM TOO UNCOMFORTABLE WATCHING THIS UNCOMFORTABLE-NESS lol

Macron is fucking with him. I kind of love it.

Do you live in California, by the way? That kind of blame-the-victim thinking seems particularly prevalent out there.