Rolling holey smoke

A couple of the tweet-sized notes have leaked and they’re generally filled with pretty good advice:

Studies indicate you are correct - your hopeful brain does actually process things differently from their fear based brains -

I work for a, by most measures, extremely progressive company that flat out REFUSES to release any data that proves that we don’t have a gender or racial pay gap. They just keep telling us it’s fine. Which means it is absolutely definitely not fine.

I’m pretty sure Angela Merkel is considered the ‘leader of the free world’ these days. That’s what people are saying anyway. Just what I heard.

I got “We didn’t land on Sherwood Forest, Sherwood Forest landed on us” but I’m sure there’s a billion other things I missed.

The dick can reach further when the cheeks are 100% out of the way!

There are high school students for whom applying to community college is practically impossible.

I don’t want to take anything away from any of these kids…

Jeff sessions is a coors light?

I mean, this seems like common goddamn sense. What did she think was gonna happen? Is everyone a fucking idiot now? Am I an idiot? Are we all idiots? Is this life?

Back when the internet was a series of tubes.

Look at these kids. All over my lawn. With their rap music and sneaker shoes. What’s the world coming to?

We need this. The drip-drip-drip will eventually wear away the stone.

Can I just say, Jujy, that you are my favorite? You speak the words that I am thinking and then post the shit out of it before I can. Bless you.

We entomologists are a special breed of weirdos. But it’s a good group.

Yup, my husband is one of them--he looked over at my red-welted body and asked, “Do they itch?” Miraculously, he survived!

My sister went to Hawaii on her own and loved it. She spent all her time hiking and sun bathing and eating. She rented a car and drove all around the big island.

Fuck this. I’m so sick of this God crap. I mean, if you want to be religious, that’s fine, just don’t claim that it makes you more American than I am.

Of course it’s a double standard! Men and women are ... wait for it ... drumroll ... different!