Rolling holey smoke

Oh, I’m not suggesting he shouldn’t be punished. Far from it! Just that... yeah, this mainly supports the idea that Trump probably isn’t a secret Russian agent, he’s just a fucking moron who committed obstruction of justice because he couldn’t bite his damn tongue and just wait for the investigation to be over.

I’m surprised their coverage isn’t going like this today

This whole thing is like the drunken uncles of America are lurching around representing all the rest of the family.

My thighs stand between my phone and an ignoble toilet-death.

I skimmed the article and missed that, and when I saw your comment, I figured it was going to be a grosser version of one of those “she’s going to be so gorgeous when she grows up” comments I sometimes hear men make about young girl actors.

I was honestly surprised at how well the pot worked for her. She was entirely able to manage all her pain, pre and post surgery I think, just with that.

Many things must baffle you.

When my friend’s mom had cancer, she signed up for a medicinal marijuana card, and she compared the pain management properties of the prescription painkillers she was given vs. pot. She said the prescription was very slightly more effective, but the side effects were pretty bad. She stuck with pot through the entire

Ok but would you rather be raped or falsely accused of rape?

Maybe she’s born with it... Maybe it’s awkwardness!

The result of some traumatic incident in childhood?

Yup, just what I was going to say. Having passed age 50, I currently give zero fucks about anything I say that is not (inadvertently, of course) objectively offensive (racist, sexist, classist, etc.). I try to be careful of peoples’ feelings, and believe I succeed for the most part. How I come across otherwise—-I’m

My kids suckered us into adopting two sister cats found living in a window of a basement apartment building. We named them Laverne and Shirley.

I disagree. Trump far transcends mere political disagreement. I did not like Mitt Romney, for instance. I would disagree with his policies. I think he is elitist and I did not want him for President.

I know by “partner” you mean “spouse” but I like to picture the law firm of Somenameoranother and Associates where the senior partners consist of a “law-talkin’ dude” and, uh, someone else.

I can respond to this, I think. Growing up (due to my ‘unusual’ coloring in a predominantly white suburb), I was literally considered the ugliest girl in the room. It was the white, skinny, seventies blonde years, and I was mixed, overweight, and darker. And bullied and teased into a choking depression.

The garden club bit.....It made me laugh. I, too, have felt the need to clear up gossip before it gets to my mom through her friends. Granted, I was not on the cover of people or anything, but still.

Ahhh “Y’all are just jealous because I’m pretty!”, the last bastion of comfort for people with no imagination to help them understand criticism.

I know! Her tone is always like “Even I, you plebes. Even I.” In her head she thinks it makes her sound relatable.