Rolling holey smoke

Texas could be more Texas, but they struggle with higher forms of math.

I have two decks. My reddit AMA is forthcoming.

The turnout was not bad. It is at about 53%, vs 75% for the Presidential. Looks like Quist got about the same number of votes Hills did in 2016, which is amazing for a special election, but GG got waaaaay less than Trump. Republicans lost almost 100k votes to the ether. Where were they today?

I’m the “fun uncle” (gay, childless, endless patience with the young’ins) in my family, and we have big, sprawling family reunions every summer.

I think he thinks that’s what it looks like—an aggressive power stance. I mean, it’s patently ridiculous, but Trump believes in that sort of crap. It might be a power stance if he did it with good posture (shoulders back, head up, pointed toward the person he’s talking to), but since he hunches and has generally

Okay, so fucking treason isn’t illegal now??? Good God, do they have any last dandruffy flake of soul left to sell to this cost sunk fallacy demon?

“Donald Trump released his budget proposal, a heartless document laughingly called, “A New Foundation for American Greatness.”

I prefer the humorous Bond as well. I will miss Sir Roger.

Do what Bill Clinton did with Yasser Arafat: shake his hand with your right and use your left to hold his upper arm. It looks a bit like this:

Yeah—I’m Iowa born and raised and I was thinking the same thing today. About the horseshit of brain drain and how Iowa and the upper midwest believe they should be retaining more of the folk that make money and businesses and blah blah blah ad infinitum. Small and medium sized Iowa towns are smug. And provincial. And

It’s training me to post regretful things on FB, apparently. I’ve put my foot in it several times in the last few days and I am completely perplexed about the whole thing. I am sure it was me- but funny here does not equal to funny there. I’m beginning to suspect Jezebel is filled with a better flavour of people than

Isn’t this just the saddest shit in the world. The party that bills itself as pro-military, pro-defense, pro-security and they are willfully enabling a pack of jackasses with unfriendly foreign ties and their voter base approves of it. I was having a conversation over on Foxtrot Alpha yesterday with a guy who compared

Yeah, I heard they were telling would-be speechifiers to keep things between two and four minutes. Makes me think: as part of my job, I learned to read and record documents really, REALLY quickly. (Obscure pop-culture reference warning:) Remember way, waaaaay back in the pilot episode of “Max Headroom,” where

Yes, I redacted my comment because I realised I had misunderstood the initial one. The fault was my own! 🌸

If she were a man, she would have won.

Like, 10pm on election night. Seriously, I was “this is not happening!!!” up until I went to bed. Even then I thought “maybe something crazy will happen while I am sleeping.” I got a 3am text (you know the one) from a very distraught friend.

This needs more stars. I’m sorry you were ill but not sorry that you were here with your actual, real information about this. So tired of people being shamed for their illnesses and all the misinformation about health. It’s got the point where I give almost all cancer-related lifestyle advice the side eye now.

I’ve said that, or just directed my dog else where away from the person. I’d rather someone get upset or give me a dirty look than risk a bite.

Oh the first was great. It was fun, his character was hilarious, it was a well done movie in general. Kinda campy, but that fit when you’re you know, making a movie out of a cheesy theme park attraction.

Mine was the same & I had the same problem with people telling me, “Oh it’s okay, I love dogs.” I tried some thing called ‘Pet Corrector,’ which is just compressed air in a can. When you push the nozzle, air shoots out and makes a sound that dogs either don’t like or can’t ignore, but either way, they momentarily