Rolling holey smoke

Schedule treats! Little things that you force yourself to do. For example, I’m stressed and dealing with depression. I got lunch with a friend. It’s been on the calendar for more than a month. Im seeing a play with friends next month. But other than my big social outing once a month, I do little things: every Friday I

I believe this counts as what Lindy West calls “Schroedinger’s joke,” wherein a person says something bigoted, and then decides whether it was a joke depending on how it’s received.

I think as someone stated above, it’s more a broader definition of racism that includes bigotry, Maybe seeing the full quote would help. From the linked article, he said:

I’m betting he’s attempting to rationalize this to himself as continuing on in the vein of found object art (which it very much is not). Found object art was based around the idea that there’s art in everything, and all you have to do is look for it. Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain is the most well-known example of

I like the cut of Monique’s jib.


It’s not an unpopular opinion. It’s a ridiculous oversimplification.

If only there were signs that he’s racist...

My brother used to do PR for a science organization and he said on of the most frustrating aspects of the job was working with a group of smart people who assumed that their expertise in one area gave them special insight to every area of life. As a scientist, his observation has really stuck with me and over the

Speaking as a Montanan, I’m not sure DNC involvement would help more than it hinders. Montanans care more about identity politics than is probably healthy, and the biggest reason the Republican candidate is disliked is because he is not a “real” Montanan. They’re already suspicious of Quist because of the out of

I still would. I CAN’T HELP IT.

Intellectually, I know that A-Rod dated Madonna, and that’s where this persistent notion comes from. But I have to work so hard to convince myself that he hasn’t been dating Jennifer Lopez for 15 years already.

Excellent write-up, Ericka.

Dump that bitch, Rockout. She’s no friend.

I agree that he’s completely unqualified for the job, but we can’t not elevate Jews to positions of power to deal with middle east just because arabs won’t like it. Some qualified Jewish guy or gal would be fine.

She was supposed to be an older teen but, because I am way too into trivia about this movie, I do know that Jennifer Grey was like 27 when it was filmed. So you’re not wrong.

Ah the luxury of having never bought an item from Walmart. You obviously have never lived in a small town with poor parents, and the only place for 30 miles is a Walmart. In rural areas, it’s a necessity.

I will only ever wear a bikini (because all one piece swimsuits require the same maneuver to pee-I’ll explain it later, Kara).

I just think it’s nice to FINALLY have a storyline where a pretty white girl saves minorities who didn’t even know they needed her help.