Rolling holey smoke

Non-comprehensive list of Trump talking physical violence at his rallies:

Date yourself first.

Don’t frame it as desperate; say that you are actively looking. When I’ve dated, I just say “I’m at a place in my life where I’m ready for a partner!” Ain’t nothing wrong with that!

Exactly. How much more fun does that sound than what Ivanka is doing? I mean, even in the realm of things that sound vaguely like work, there are more fun options. Get a few executive producer credits on some indie movies that sound promising. Start a vanity winery. Open up a little cafe with the understanding that it

Baylor: 52 women allege being assaulted by football players? “We need to proceed with caution. In fact, let’s just pretend nothing happened. Remember, we have no obligation to make our campus safe for the students who pay to be here.”

Every episode has entranced me. Sometimes I feel like I’m watching an enthralling western, sometimes a complex science fiction opera. Not to mention so much of the dialogue has multiple levels to it due to the hosts slowly gaining sentience and people having either multiple or unclear motives. Plus all the

Just finished Kindred by Octavia Butler, it was really good, and the actress was fantastic.
You said that you did not really like science fiction, but it’s a really ligth one, more in the historical fiction category, but it’s a time travelling book (like Outlander)

So here’s my personal little quasi-brush with having to witness an execution:

Be fair. They only had seven years to come up with a plan, and nobody knew that health care was hard until recently.

Remember, it died because it wasn’t evil enough for most Republicans.

I find him soothing and magical.

It made me cry. NB pretty much everything makes me cry nowadays.

There should be a word for this specific type of hypocrisy... the kind that says that you should profile Muslims because some mass shootings are made by them but ignore middle-aged single white men even though most mass shootings are made by them.

He’s a paid public official, doofus, who was acting in an official capacity representing DHS. Take your uninformed libertarian bullshit somewhere else.

I literally cried reading this. Having to walk around a world where almost 50% of the population are bombs, ready to explode lest you touch it wrong is a horrible way to live and we as a society should not tolerate it. As a male, the female experience is totally foreign. Male socialization is the exact opposite

What are you saying? That only your experiences of trauma are valid and other rape survivors just need to shut up lest they sound “instructional”? Because that’s what the tone of your comment sounds like to me.

There is another price of vigilance that I hoped this article was going to be about — the element that I have a hard time describing (I am no writer...) has to do with how all that monitoring warps our experience of existence and it is perfectly fair for other women to want to go through life with as little of that

Even with men I know who earnestly want to learn and be some ways they simply can’t get it. It permeates everything.

Thank you for sharing this, especially today. I was raped by my first boyfriend on this date 37 years ago. At one time, I used to pretend it hadn’t really been rape. At one time, I couldn’t read about sexual assaults. At one time, just hearing the word “rape” would tear holes in my soul. Time, therapy and healthy

I have 2 means of getting to work (bus or subway) and I’ve taken the bus for the past 2 years because it’s marginally easier, but a recent schedule change has forced me to start taking the subway. I was complaining to my husband (who takes said subway daily) about this and he seemed confused that a change which adds