Rolling holey smoke

Trump is special. Very, very special. No, they never held things up like that. Also, they had normal signatures, not scribbles, so they would sign using multiple pens to distribute to the signing attendees, but that’s too complicated for Donnie so he makes everyone share one pen (not even kidding).

Are your parents abusive at all? Because if they aren’t, MOVE IN WITH THEM.

Thanks. Yeah I felt really dumb for ending up with someone who was lazy, and it’s not like there weren’t warning signs. Reading through these comments it sounds like there are many women who would benefit by dumping their husbands.

I agree, and it is hard to explain the emotional work. or at least I struggle with it. I eventually had a therapist who suggested that I stop doing it and see what happens. What happened was that we had no sex, never went out, and all he did was watch reality TV. I’m divorced now, and life is better.

I feel shitty for using Jez to confirm even what is good for me to know. This is an abused person going crazy trying to accept that they were abused.

You know, growing up we were warned against marrying people who were cheaters, alcoholics/addicts, domestic abusers, etc. But another vice which can have profound effects on a marriage is LAZINESS. Having a home, maintaining a marriage, and raising kids is a lot of necessary and tedious work. If your partner is

Can’t you hire someone to do that? The greatest thing I ever did for myself was find reliable, competent help with the heavy stuff. It’s amazing! I just have to do the gardening fun stuff. Why don’t people hire help?

My partner and I are both men, and so many of my female friends have seen how we are at home and with our daughter and expressed how much they wish that the division of labor and in particular child-rearing wasn’t mostly assumed based on the gender of those involved.

How Not to Hate Your Husband

Her title is the Thirst Daughter.

I’ve had similar episodes and I hate it. I’m not in any kind of treatment or therapy but probably should be. As it is, I find that getting more sleep helps. Good luck. It’s a rotten place to feel so out of control.

Well number one, I don’t think this is a small fuck up. I’m concerned that you are taking most of blame on yourself for not having a safe word. The cat stuff is such a side issue compared to the sex stuff. While there are definitely dominant men who are great partners, there are many predatory assholes who use the dom

It’s okay. I hope you feel better soon. Don’t worry that others have tougher problems. When people say that to me it always feels dismissive. I always think, yes, but my problems are real and need to be addressed.

*steps up to microphone*

What if the coal miner and the single mom don’t want to subsidize a projected $100 million in travel costs for the President to play golf at Mar-A-Lago?

Also on the chopping block? NIH funding, NIH programs to train nurses, programs to re-train displaced coal-miners, money to heat poor people’s houses. . . .These people are so fucking evil.

Honestly, I think the ship has already sailed on any future versions of this ban. They need to appeal the original ban up to the Supreme Court and hope for a favorable ruling. Otherwise they will keep getting legal challenges and courts will continue to view the ban skeptically because the president himself promised

to quote the great deadspin (nee gawker) writer Ashley Feinberg: