Rolling holey smoke


Instead of calling it BS, just be grateful that your body didn’t “take” to opiates. People react differently to different things.

I think I qualify as an Old on this board (late 40s). I am short and fat (size 16 on the bottom and 14 on top). I have recently discovered Chico’s for business casual/casual wear. I love it. Expensive, but well-made, and I have never owned such a flattering wardrobe, or gotten so many compliments. The key is to get

I love thick leggings as pants, it allows me to wear baggy tops but overall the look is balanced so I don’t look like a billowing balloon. I’m going to be so sad when that trend goes away. Or maybe not, cuz I’m past giving any fucks and will wear what I want.

I have a few things to add (note I do have a long torso).

Open toed boots make me rage. Why not crocheted umbrellas, too?

Last week I was at my kids elementary school waiting for them and in the office hallway are all the class photos from the entire history of the school - it was built at in the early 1900's so these are A LOT of photos! I went to that school. In the 80's.

Yeah, but he’s white! Don’t you understand?! He’s not supposed to be reprimanded, or otherwise negatively impacted, by anyone that’s not a straight-white-male who has more money than him.

Well, yes, never doing an ounce of actual work in his life was a given...

It’s almost as though I broke a law…It’s a bad part of our nation going on right now. You see the same techniques going on against Trump right now.”<- See the logic: people who commit crimes, even arbitrary crap like marijuana are bad people. People who make laws to terrorize and marginalize the least protected in

No kidding.

I’m incredibly old, and I remember well that my friends and I watched American Bandstand religiously (mostly on my best friend’s TV, which was a huge, clumsy, black-and-white cabinet set, an RCA if I’m remembering correctly—this was back in the day, when TV stations signed off late at night and came back on with the

Thanks for this, this is such a powerful interview. I am bookmarking it to reread. Two things that really jumped out at me, at least in the first reading.

The fact that there’s a wikipedia entry for “post-fact/truth” now is very telling. When Gingrich said [probably paraphrasing, here] “Facts don’t matter”, that’s when I realized that we were no longer inhabiting the same reality as them. It also told me that the republican strategy behind closed doors was precisely

I just commented this on a transphobic post that was all like, “In a sexual species, females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y, I’m not a bigot it’s just science.” I’m a science teacher so I responded with this.

If there’s any need for evidence that feminism still has quite a ways to go to become truly intersectional, one should look no further than this comment section. TERFs abound, more interested in the oppression olympics than liberating one another.

I mean, I imagine my family will actually be better off financially after my death.
We’re still not happy about it. It turns out that ‘financially’ isn’t the only measure of human success or worth. But I have no idea how one would even begin to explain that to republicans.

I appreciate you fighting and I need you to keep fighting as long as you can. I can’t fight for myself right now. I do what I can for others in my community and family, but my circumstances limit me significantly.