Rolling holey smoke

Maybe it’s my generation, but I’ve always looked at “Pride” as protest. Maybe it’s because my oats were sown at the first Dyke Marches (SF then NYC)...but I’m not sure when queers ever thought this wasn’t an act of resistance. Because, maybe LA?

I randomly lucked into free therapy by being the patient to a grad student getting hours for her degree. I don’t know how you would find that but I know its out there.

Meetings were the bane of my existence when I had straight jobs. There are sick individuals that would prefer ANYTHING to doing what they’re supposed to be doing, and I worked with a lot of them.

We are all different versions of ourselves in different situations. Maybe he will let another side of himself out as he gets to know you better, maybe not.

Yeah. The process of weight loss actually sounds normal/good — so you’re on track and don’t worry.

Honestly this isn’t that far from what I see the college girls wearing in my local coffee shop. Sometimes I kind of want to be like “you know your whole bra is out, right?” but I know they know.

Illness as Metaphor by Susan Sontag. I think it comes together with her later work AIDS and Its Metaphors. It’s not a memoir, but Sontag wrote it while being treated for breast cancer.

Can I start the craft thread? I finished my knitted ducks and they are so adorable, I can’t wait to share!

I went in for a diagnostic because there was a distinct bulge in my right armpit. Mammo saw nothing. Ultrasound saw ... nothing. Like, the bulge is externally visible, but apparently it’s just the shape of my armpit because 3 doctors looked and there’s nothing IN there.

This is the first time I’ve seen a SNS post go live and I’m going to waste my “first” post to share this stupid picture of how I’m storing my hats:

I am an old person, and this is a “dickey.” My schoolteacher aunt had them in all colors because she always wore jackets to work, and would not show an inch of chest skin, but frequently had hot flashes so she could not wear a full shirt.

One word: wind. Most mountains, especially extremely high ones interfere with weather patterns resulting in ridiculously high winds near their summits. You’re less likely to land than you are to be violently slammed into the thing.

Your comment reminds me of George Michael, who was rumored to have been very depressed and reclusive because he had gained weight near the end of his life. But the pap shots that were taken of shortly before he died showed a sort of typically bulky middle-aged man.

Of course we are.

If regular underwear works I would def go with those over Thinx. They weren’t uncomfortable but regular underwear is much more comfortable and not overpriced.

Actually I just wanted to have a fun and amusing chat over the day, because as they said it was a very cool social experiment for a feminist website. Personally I thought it was almost perfect. Guys know about guy stuff. So that’s part of what they did. Chopping wood. What goes on in the men’s locker rooms. I could

I like this logic. It’s so pleasingly circular.

That’s what I was thinking too. It’s the “I’m one of the good ones!” impulse. But we’re not, for the most part. As the beneficiary of white privilege and other privileges, I want things to be better for disadvantaged people, but I also don’t want to give up anything that makes me comfortable. I’ve been sitting

Ugh! This makes me so mad! (White cis woman here.) This is exactly the same thing as #notallmen. No, it does not help the situation to whine ‘But it’s not MY fault!’ It only helps to DO things, just like what Kara listed.