Rolling holey smoke

“At an event in Eastern Kentucky, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, an embittered chipmunk with a permanent 102-degree fever, declared that the “war on coal is over” and announced his plan to begin rolling back the Clean Power Plan, Obama’s signature effort to battle climate change”

I had the same fear. Saw it yesterday in Imax 3D. It’s astonishing.

agreed - and its high time the book industry started designing clothes.

And that’s pretty much why ‘unity’ is elusive. Because there are real grievances that get pushed under in the call for unity, and most groups that are marginalized within the general leftist/liberal sphere have had enough of that.

My husband calls this “guy hot.” When a white woman is blonde, not fat, not flat-chested, and groomed to “hot girl” standards, she can have just terrrible features but guys will still think she’s hot. “Hotness” isn’t about looks, it’s about conformity.

Why is it that a white woman only has to bleach her hair to be considered attractive by other white people? It’s like no one even looks at their faces to consider their features. This photograph is a good example of that. Throughout junior high, highschool, and university me and my brown friends wondered about this.

Nah. Stay. And I say this as a city person.

Money isn’t important. If you’re set up to already live a comfortable life where you won’t be financially destroyed if a major appliance breaks (I’m in that situation. If the washer or dryer breaks I’d be back to washing clothes with my hands and hanging them outside to dry) I’d say stay where you are. Past a certain

Clear compression bags which save space and are also good for separating dirty laundry. Micro fiber towel if you plan on bringing one. I also like to pack dresses because it is a single garment outfit and saves space and you can just add tights/sweater/jacket/scarf for colder temps.

A reminder of a time when scandals didn’t kill hundreds, thousands, or millions of people.

I tell all of my advisees to work after college for at least 3 years, preferably 5 or more.

Why do you think the Right is always accusing progressives of paying for protesters? It is what they do after all, that is why they think that everyone else does it too. Ignoring, of course, that the Right is backed by techbro billionaires who can afford to bus in paid protestors and that progressive causes usually

It’s just such a fundamental philosophical difference: I believe that people, all people, deserve healthcare, food, water, clothes, shelter and especially, opportunities to better their lot. And these people believe that...nah, they can go die in a ditch; I earned what’s mine!

yah its 100% something for rich white girls so they dont have to slum it in the friend department and then they have access to the alumni network to get those sweet sweet rich white girl jobs after graduation.

Just because sure-why-not seems to be deleting all comments that aren’t virtual blowjobs, allow me to paraphrase their comment here:

Every time I see articles on the Greek system I realized how much I’ve changed since college. It was fun at the time but I see now how problematic they are. I say get rid of the whole thing.

Kind of like female genital mutilation:

No it’s not the problem. Even the smartest senator or congressmember has limited expertise. They pass this work off to specialized staffers who can analyze and summarize the legislation, because it’s written in legalease and super long, so unless you want everything in congress to take 50X as much time as it does now,

Yeah this seems like a squeaky wheel problem to me. At most weddings, it seems like the majority of the guest list is sane (in your case, 100% of the guest list was sane) but there’s always ONE family that insists on bringing kids and that makes it so much worse. Because the kids are bored, and overwhelmed by being

The best advice my mother ever gave me was to never marry a person with a shit family. Do you know what I’d be dealing with for the rest of my life? Or until every one of them/I dies? Their shit family. And you know what else happens as time progresses? EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. The parents get dementia. The sister gets