Rolling holey smoke

I feel like the midwest is more forgiving that way? I wonder where you were with the groaning. That sort of thing has been delightfully absent in my new locale.

or, maybe she doesn’t use all the products she shills (would even she have the time??) but honestly believes they would make her life more fabulous if she did? “...even I don’t practice perfect self-care....”

There are some good Montanans

I live in a red state and people don’t want to engage with me at all once they find out I’m liberal.

I love this photo!!! It’s a group of people, who have almost nothing but their socio-economic class (loosely) in common, attending the same occasion. I think the visual is delightful.

This is why I can’t believe Montana just elected a rich carpetbagger from New Jersey to be its state representative. Republicans don’t even have any hypothetical dignity to cling to anymore.

Compassion: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

He’s also not patriotic! I know nothing in this administration makes sense, but I find his lack of patriotism (he’s selling our country! he defends cheating the american people!) THE LIMIT.

What if it was within-school rigor? At a lot of colleges, all you have to do is get in and they will make sure you don’t fail (‘if you belong’). What if it was impossible to pass your courses if you were hung over even one day per week? Because they are hard?

I’m so sorry! I’m glad your mom can have insurance. I have pretty good insurance but there are still things that would prolong my life that I can’t afford. ($1400/month medication)

I have ALS and have been told “A lot of veterans get ALS, maybe you exercised too much” and “A friend of mine had ALS and healed herself with yoga.” By my family. This bullshit of blaming people for their illness and lack of recovery runs deep. There is a difference between wanting to understand illness to prevent it

If I could see that someone was going to interact with my dog before interacting with me, I would say “He bites.” Which was not technically true in the past tense, but he was so nervous, I never knew. It at least slowed down most people.

Link please!

Weed makes me better at my job, too!

I admire your persistence. Thank you.

People who have been married more than twice are in my “optimist club”

I am with you. Since I will not look conventionally “good” in any swimsuit, my goal is a suit that STAYS OUTTA THE WAY. Bikinis with bra-type tops. This year I have stopped shaving my legs and the haters can suck it.

This is exactly why I don’t tell people I play the cello. ugh....the pretension....

“News of the World” by Paulette Giles, “Roughing it” by Mark Twain, “Americanah” by C.N. Adichie, “Middle Passage” by Charles Johnson, “The Marriage of Opposites” by Alice Hoffman

What do you think about starting to create a culture where unwanted touching = assault and the police are called? I really think we need to start doing this - calling assault what it is and stop minimizing it.