Rolling holey smoke

When I thought I wanted to have kids, I realized husband #1 would be a terrible co-parent. Got divorced. That and not having kids are the two best decisions I ever made.

YESSSSS cleaning service

I am training my spouse to leave the toilet down by flicking it with my finger when it is up and I want to pee. The crashing noise of the falling seat onto the porcelain drives him absolutely nuts. I’m about 80% there, but we have a small house and sounds travel.

Old but good: A Wizard of Earthsea

Do you not want the grief or not want the wanting? I’m dealing with a lot of loss right now and found Stephen Levine’s “Unacknowledged Sorrow” very helpful. In it, he illustrates all the ways that unprocessed grief can come out sideways. It was reading that book that made realize that there’s no way I can have even

and I don’t think he has even washed a single dish in his lifetime

Suspiciously missing age spots. Whaddya think? Milk? Blood of virgins? Milk of virgins? ....oh...wait....

When I lived in California, republican governor Wilson made cuts to education so that “all taxpayers get a tax break”. For me, it was $6. I didn’t buy into it before I got “my” $6 and I’ll never buy this load of crap in the future.

Not just having too much stupidity for nuance but also the laziness and lack of patience to follow laws of cause and effect for more than two steps,

I have done hypnotherapy. It helped me develop good processing habits to use on my own. It worked for me through a sort of gentle unfolding over the month after my appointment.

I’m disabled and my hands are too weak to deal with tampons, plus my trunk muscles are so far gone I can’t even reach down there anymore. I can’t grab pads very well. Thinx has been great. My husband does the laundry and he doesn’t treat them special and it seems to be fine. I miss tampons tho.

I thought that too and then I realized that I was thinking of Madonna.

It’s hard to find common ground with people who make no sense...

I am a middle-aged cis-bi woman, married with no kids. I don’t get to choose not to do housework - I don’t do any because I can’t lift more than a pound. I usually work at home and don’t see anyone (we’re out in the boonies), but I’m taking PTO and wearing red. I put an autoreply on my e-mail: “I am not in the office

Some trumpsters believe that “Reagan got along great with the Russians” and “Nixon got the Chinese to tear down that wall”. True story.

I’m doing my part by writing papers on climate change and it’s not even directly my field.

Clean surfaces - no pictures, books, or knicknacks. Quality linens. Low wattage table lamp.

Do you have a therapist? I think you should see one. You need another viewpoint here. I have lots of friends who sound like you, but their husbands love and accept them as they are.

I agree with the others - Nordstrom and Dillards. Once you find brands and cuts that fit well, you can go to where you can search by size.

I think the wisest thing in the world is to reject the conditions (jobs, places to live, relationships) that turn you in to the person you don’t want to be. Period.