Rolling holey smoke

I got rejected from all the grad schools twice! Then I got into the top program in the country, graduated in 6 years, and now I have a permanent job in my field.

Melk is Minnesotan for Milk

He should resign. He looks tired.

I agree - unfollowing is the way to go. One of my Trumpie ‘friends’ ends up sharing a lot of what I post.

I took an NPR break when GWB was president and I turned out fine.

When the oilfield in ND exploded and seniors could no longer afford apartments, when ranchers in WY could no longer drink their water... literally no local paper mentioned that some regulations might have prevented these problems.


Like, sending them to North Dakota. Seriously, that is one reason it sucks so bad up here. STOP sending us waste products!!!

Everyone wears a wig

I got a pair of lularoe as a gift. I loved how high waisted they were and was disappointed that it’s an Amway type selling scheme. Got any recommendations for me for alternatives? (I am tall)

I think if we started making fun of how these people look, 45 would try to figure out a way to fire every last one of them.

Also, the drinking goes down when MJ is legal. Bars are also a big lobby, maybe in some states more than others.

I think the meta-point of this obit is that your legacy is far greater than what is printed about you after you die. Good luck with your control project.

I think women and girls have always been ‘fake things’ to men.

Not only that, but a friend in the industry tells me that most energy companies are diversified between renewable and non-renewable energy. As per usual, the companies will win and the workers will lose.

Shows how Henry Ford had the right idea: the masses have to buy your product if you want to succeed in business. The 1% isn’t going to be able to keep I(T)K afloat.

There may be alternative explanations to the one you propose.

When I wrote Daines opposing her confirmation, I didn’t feel I could use the money argument because Daines openly is in favor of the ability to purchase political influence. I’ve stopped being nice in my letters to him. Civil yes, nice no.

I told him no more sexy texts from me unless he complied. I am glad I started training early - I don’t think that threat would work now...

I had to train my spouse, who has a flip phone, to text me ‘k’ as an acknowledgment that he received my text (our reception is spotty). I am pleased with myself for setting my expectations realistic and low.