I, (State Your Name)

Quite possibly it is a relieving chamber similar to the four granite chambers placed above the burial chamber and which were intended to reduce the pressure of the overlying masonry on the ceiling. The Grand Gallery is a huge open space that would also be vulnerable to collapse.

I know what I’m SUPPOSED to do, is say something witty, yet disparaging of your choices in pizza.

I don’t feel strongly about this; I just think that if that’s your opinion that you shouldn’t be allowed to vote or drink from the same drinking fountains as the rest of us.

The quality is terrible, obviously.

Your pretentious misuse of ‘whomever’ renders your opinion invalid.

You must be young and/or not very familiar with video games

Dragon’s Lair was out around that time. It was basically a cartoon, and you did very little controlling. It was one of the first 50 cents / per play games.

You should have googled it first.

Denouncing is fine, you get to keep it. Renouncing, you lose it. Announcing, you tell everybody about it. Enunciating, you do so very clearly.


Stop saying world feed, like we will not have US announcers. NBCSports and the BBC and everyone else on the planet all use the world feed, then provide announcing over it. With segment blocks for their own on site people.

Bob Varsha is the only American voice worthy, and knowledgeable enough, to call F1 for the US market.

That is because it is not a prequel to the original series it is a prequel to The Motion Picture era.

No series has been abbreviated with Star Trek in it; TOS, TNG, DS9, VGR/VOY, ENT

I call BS on you. You cant accept the Kelvin timeline so why would you accept what you’re suggesting.

Everyone who’s ever received a blowjob while standing up and dressed knows you pull your underwear down all the way, you don’t just bring your junk up over the elastic band.

“Not only is it a new species of ancient crocodile, it represents an entirely new genus of extinct reptiles.”

I own a guns. I been an NRA member. I’ve made the arguments.

Good gawd DC/WB, you just Goldblumed yourselves.

And when they die, they go to porgatory.