There’s no apostrophe in smores fyi.
Seriously. If you’re going to tell a story (read: A Big Fat Lie) at least synchronize them so when you get on national TV to tell us what really went on, i.e. “The Truth” (read: A Big Fat Lie) you tell us the same story. Jesus these people are dumb.
Automated car washes. The rolling bristles snag the unsupported ends of the plate and pull them away from the bumper.
Pretty sure you can get several versions of “A” on the strip here in Fabulous Las Vegas™. Take your pick: Elvis (male or female, your choice), Transformers (usually Bumblebee), Minions, Vegas Showgirls, etc., ad nauseam.
thank you. Thank you very much.
If the Gawker-powers-that-be think Reddit is bad then they need to hop on over to 4chan and drink in the dysfunction.
I wonder if he’d unlocked the fifth wheel if the train would’ve taken just the trailer and left the tractor behind.
He was on his tenth lap of the day and has a lot of riding experience. He wasn’t a squid or a noob on a really nice bike. I think he made a mistake and his ego won’t let him admit it so he’s challenging the waiver, etc.
Kim is, apparently, a pretty good rider. His accident occurred on his 10th lap of the day so he had nine good laps that went off without incident. Moreover, his lap times were well above average so he’s not without some skill. On any given track you have to know what you’re doing to turn in a decent lap time.
I Googled “evergreen retainer” and it ended up meaning what I thought it did but I learned a new term today. Nice.
Is Adam now a (willing) prisoner in Reese’s isolated, well-supplied, walled compound?
“You can’t do good and be poor at the same time,” Millender testified. “You can’t help the poor and be poor; it makes no sense.”
Not sure if they still do so but vending machines at the Post Office that sell stamps used to give change in Sacagawea dollars. I’ve got a small stack of them that I’m hesitant to spend because I don’t want to have to explain to a cashier that they are “coin of the realm” as it were.
You perform good acts for the sake of the beneficiary. If you do something good for someone in expectation of thanks or some other reward then you’re doing it for yourself, not the other person(s). Children understand this once they get past a certain age. Of course, 45 is a big baby so, of course, he doesn’t…
Technically it’s not a pyramid scheme if there is actual sell-through of the product or service to an end user and it is those consumer sales that form the bulk of the revenue. If the bulk of the revenue is from new sucker/associate/participant sign-up fees and purchase of “start-up kits” then it’s probably a pyramid…
In the 80's the A-008 was sold in several sizes and was marketed for use on sports cars.
These ADVAN HF Type D’s look just like the A008's (which are also Yokohamas and also from the 80's) which are still available. What’s the difference?