I, (State Your Name)

for all your reaction gif needs

Could something like that happen without the intent or direct action of a hammer? Could some form of impact be just strong enough to produce the same results without intent?

they were words and they went in my ear holes! it was great

Niki Lauda spoke actual words at your face? I don't care if it was "fuck you" you are now officially my hero.

We are talking about a guy who raced six weeks after having his face burned off.

The San Francisco Smart Car owners got revenge


Hard to say for sure from this video, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of exhaust from the stacks either. I also don't see any tugs around. The sea state appears benign as a swimming pool, so I doubt she came adrift while lying at anchor — this happened when approaching or leaving the harbor; probably

The reporting on this is really unclear it leaves out the important detail of revision number on the part. Good design practice it to have both a part or drawing number and a revision.

I think this crash is a bit slower:

they also give 'em blankets to keep the turbos snuggly wuggly so they can sleep nice and sound all cozy in that engine bay

The Marines need to calm down and stop asking for ridiculous vehicles.

I don't care if it's wearing thin, let the F-Type keep up this "bad boy with style and class" theme it's rolling with because it makes me want it even more.

Natural selection is unfortunately NOT alive in the world, at least not in the western world. The driver escaped without life-threatening injuries. But even if he HAD been critically hurt, he would have been taken to a hospital and, again unfortunately, recover and probably procreate.

"Just missed you, my friend... But I trust there will be other opportunities. Oh yes, I'm sure there will be many more."

Doing something this stupid needs to come with a mandatory 90 day jail sentence followed by a 9 month license suspension. It unfathomable that someone could be that stupid. There is absolutely no reason to go around the gates... ever.

Not only did they try to go through the gate, they tried to go through the gate AFTER passing through the closING gates, and pulling a u-turn