I, (State Your Name)

I just read an item about Piper that after she and Evans divorced she did not take any of his money despite not having much to show for her pop career so, if that’s to be believed, whether or not she had much money on her own going into the marriage, she didn’t have much money of her own after the divorce.

I was thinking the same thing. Someone’s posted a news item that gives us the back story although some of the details in the news item don’t seem apparent from the video.

I still can’t let it go that he had prime access to the podium area at the F1 Monaco Grand Prix (May 29th—the psychic scar-inducing event is still fresh). Somehow he was allowed to stand apart from everyone else gathered at the start/finish line, mere feet away from Prince Albert and his wife to greet the race winning

That at least explains why you think that it’s safer to be thrown from a crash. You were lucky.

You must not ride.

So creeped out by this concept.

If you’re going to use a place like Jiffy Lube/ to do anything with your vehicle’s wheels/tires then make sure to ask them what make/model torque wrench they use AND tell them the recommend torque value for your exact vehicle.

Add another nut to the heap.

Compartmentalization. Not just a river in...oh, wait. Damn.

I live in Las Vegas and would rather there be a Monza race than a Vegas race.

There’s no optimism here. Seeing “good” triumph over “evil” here is like watching a snuff friends where they kill the Superfriends.

I don’t get how so many people miss this about him. When you look at him you just know that there’s something wrong with him

They don’t get automatic citizenship but they do get expedited permanent resident status according to this Wikipedia article.

Maybe the difference is that it’s the perpetrator posting the videos—essentially a confession to having committed the infraction(s).

He doesn’t think he did anything wrong. I’m shocked. #NotReally

Cannot un-imagine this scenario.

Only Chuck Norris can make a train do a u-turn.

I could understand someone adding a logo electronically to a stock photo rather than setting up a photoshoot. What I don’t get is that the colorized photo is so noticeably of lower quality than the original image. The person who masked off the model’s skin to define the area where the color was altered wasn’t too

He might be referring to Imperial Tons which are 2240lbs.

“Dumpster fire” brings back fond memories of my time at Cal Poly SLO. Ah, good times.