I, (State Your Name)

Someone needs to ask her about the whole papist-thing if she has a press conference and mentions the meeting. Should also have her confirm that it was a meeting that involved many other people besides herself and was not an actual audience with the Pope which is a specific thing.

So, basically, the citizens of the People Republic of Portland are dicks?

That and an ‘Italian Tune-Up’

I’m gonna go ahead and assume that the Indian woman with the burger/cheeseburger discrimination problem was finally clued-in by some enterprising soul. I would have L-O-V-E-D to be in the room when that happened.

Apparently, people have already been able to get refunds on current Prime subscriptions by asking for the $67 promo price for a renewal on their existing subscription. YMMV but if you ask Amazon customer service for a renewal they may offer you a $32 refund instead.

Apparently, people have already been able to get refunds on current Prime subscriptions by asking for the $67 promo

So instead of Being John Malkovich we can have Being Johnny Depp? Yeah, I’d watch it.

My pom always seems to know where I intend to lie down so she sets up camp right at that point.

This is a GREAT idea.

You don’t need to multiplex the output of the Arduino Uno. Just get an Arduino with more outputs:

It must have taken hours to get the right level of random, Ketamine-overdose level of dissociation into every scene where somebody explains about importance of the avatar and how you have to feel your feelings, in order to gerbil machete fish dumpling crank handle.

OMG. I wonder what percentage of Apple customers know that this is what the Apple logo used to look like and that it is NOT a show of support for LGBTQ issues. I imagine that there will be people out there like the guy back in June who thought NBC’s Peacock logo (which is rainbow colored) was a show of support for gay

I agree—if he wants her scantily clad because it’s his world then he should just say that. Coming up with a pseudo-scientific justification is disingenuous and panders to whomever it is he’s trying to appease.

That’s an unwarranted assumption.

Bimbo Bakeries is the US arm of a Mexican company, Grupo Bimbo. “Bimbo” has a different connotation in Mexico than it does here in the States.

O fuk.

That really bugged me too.

Not to imply that her assertions are accurate/correct but who actually wrote the post? The writing seems to lack that certain Batshit-Crazy we’ve come to expect from Ms. Palin.

Please train your bears to be where guests can see them.

...the service manager would have reached into his pocket and pulled out his middle finger. . .