I, (State Your Name)

The pom in my avatar is a biter except he only bites me. He’s my ex-wife’s dog and before the divorce we were buddies but despite that he’s got certain triggers (fear-based) that cause him to go into Serious-Growl Mode. If you don’t pay attention to where you fingers are when he’s like that you will be bitten and it

While back in college, it became the talk of our little social group for a while when it got out that one person didn’t have a driver’s license nor could she drive a car. That came out right around the time she was learning to drive and trying to get her driver’s license so it died down pretty quick once she got her

I ride an Aprilia SL750 Shiver and a Piaggio BV350 here shown outfitted for a long distance ride of some kind.

That and all the curse words you’d not normally hear in a Green Band trailer.

The 2005 re-make (?) House of Wax in which Paris Hilton’s character dies might perk up your mood a bit. Oh, wait, I think there’s a scene involving fingers and a wire cutters that I’d rather not see again.

Whoops, that should’ve been “Catherine Bach,” not “Barbara Bach.”

What a coincidence. I was (ahem) researching Barbara Bach the other day and saw this same photo.

I was an RA my last year of college and one evening observed some residents playing Hot Lava. I can’t remember if I wrote up the lot of them or if I joined in and ended up writing myself up.

He should do this for a few weeks and see if he can draw a paycheck.

The closest I get to that kind of insanity is putting my bike on its center stand and letting it idle in first gear while I clean the chain. That and standing on the pegs (while in motion) and leaning forward to check if my front wheel is wobbling.

So all this time the “NBC, Proud as a Peacock” jingle and NBC’s peacocked-shaped logo eluded this person.


I SO want to hug Ann Coulter.

There's a RomCom plot in there somewhere. I need to get a copy of Screenwriting for Dummies.

Someone explain the 'Property Sticker' to me. In CA and NV I've only had to have a vehicle registration sticker on the rear plate.

MOAB = Mother of all Bottlenecks.

Yup. I can totally see that fender now. Can't see what it's attached to though.

Disagree. I think you'd see a good percentage of guns nuts unable to cope with the realities of a zombie apocalypse. They'd need several other survival skills besides facility with weapons—"mental toughness" being one.

I just can't.