I, (State Your Name)

I agree with you in principle but I don't think Ferrari should cover so many market segments. They definitely need the halo-car and a 911 fighter but they shouldn't have a SUV or a "cheap" sports car. As someone else pointed out, Maserati can cover those bases.

We had a class where we built a "macro-processor" (our term for it, not the teacher's). It was also a 4-bit processor. It was all discrete logic chips (7400-series) but also included a dedicated ALU chip, and an EPROM to serve as an instruction decoder, i.e. for any given address in the EPROM would result in a byte

Math was my downfall. In retrospect I should have worked harder at it since math underpins so many of the things I find interesting (physics, some EE, EL, and CS topics, etcetera.) from a hobby perspective not so much an academic major/job opportunity.

I didn't end up in CS, EL, or EE. The ET program I was in was intended to segue right into the EE program at Cal Poly Pomona but if you went anywhere else the credits didn't transfer. I ended up going to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in a completely unrelated major.

It gets better:

I've got good memories of 8085 and 6502 assembly programming classes from my high school days. Good times.


I once visited Canada for less than an hour of sightseeing by way of the bridge crossing at Niagara falls. It was a breeze crossing from the U.S. to Canada but from Canada back to the U.S. it actually felt a little weird.

On an International flight you are informed about it through the US customs declaration form that you are required to fill-out. Most of the time, the need to fill-out that form is announced several minutes before final approach. If you choose to ignore the announcement, fail to hear the announcement, or choose to not

I second the motion:

'Farkle' applies to any kind of bike and certainly not just KLRs. Just because they need the most aftermarket help to finish what Kawasaki started...I kid, I kid!

Oh, my sweet Jeezus.

Try the Wynn buffet if you want pricey...worth every penny IMHO though.

Odd because a 'whale' in the casino is a big spender/high roller who'd get comp'd anything he/she wants.

My (Russian) wife and her twin sister both give the same amount of fucks about other people as the woman in the video. You should watch them walk across a crowded mall cutting people off without so much as an "excuse me" or the slightest nod to acknowledge that they've caused you to spill your lemonade-slushy by

Been to DV several times during the hotter parts of the Summer over the years. Definitely not an environment to mess around in without taking proper care.

In absolute terms, yes, energy does have mass ("weight" in a gravity field or while under acceleration). Einstein's famous equation says so.

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Vegas is lousy with them...Discoveries, LR2s, LR4s, RRs, the whole lot. 'course Cali's next door so we get some spill-over but we've got a local sub-culture that just fawns over Land Rovers for their luxo-cachet but we've also got the off-road set in their customized Discoveries that actually see dirt and mud

I see "chlorine" and "explosion" and to me that equals "really bad day." I hope the deceased did not suffer over much. No humor or sarcasm intended.