I, (State Your Name)

After reading the article I'm now wondering if I should be nervous that I have to redeem vouchers bought online for my tickets at COTA on race day?

Embedded supercapacitors would increase the weight of the panels and raise the CG of the vehicle BUT assuming significant advances in materials relating the insulating material within the capacitors themselves, it might be conceivable that these supercaps could have significant energy densities.

The article refers to supercapacitors so they aren't batteries per se since batteries generally refer to a device that utilizes a chemical reaction during charging/discharging to store/supply energy.

Uh, Lambo?

You've quite possibly given me an insight as to how my (Russian) wife thinks.

If it doesn't now I'll bet a custom firmware upgrade will set you up nicely.

That's a nice picture of Sabine.

You say that as if it's a Bad Thing™. :^)

Fcuk me sideways that model is beautiful. I need to be by myself for a while.

WTF, over?

This ad is relevant to my interests.

I had a similar experience only it was with an 8' foot ladder and it didn't miss me.

I almost bought the 20" crescent wrench for the sole reason that It-Was-Fuckin'-Huge. Resisted and just both two torque wrenches instead...

Read. The. Article.

Nice rack. Oh, I meant the tire racks. Katy Perry? Nice boobs. Both of them.


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

I've understood the distinction between freeway and highway is that a freeway has no cross traffic (cross traffic is via an over/under-pass) whereas a highway can have cross traffic. Further more, a highway may have light- or or sign-controlled intersections where.

I've done that on a bike (my old F650GS - the thumper, not the parallel twin) but I was taking still photos with one hand, steering and modulating the clutch with the other, and my right foot provided braking. Didn't have one of those new fangled GoPros or whatever. It's actually not that hard if you've got your