This is racist. I also wouldn’t be surprised if other racists used it to stay away from these stores.
This is racist. I also wouldn’t be surprised if other racists used it to stay away from these stores.
Yeah, but nobody is “good”. If you want to get technical only God is good. We’re all sinners. People can certainly strive to be better, tho. We can be good enough in the sense we aren’t borderline evil people who torch people’s houses and shi lol
I give credit where credit was due. This article was very thorough. You owned up to some things, and you handled yourself well. You even attempted to explain some of your shady antics in a way that was understandable. Of course you should have handled things differently, and maybe you learned from this, and will do…
I never cared for people that aired dirty laundry. It’s a shameful, sad, and simpleton mindset. These people have nothing better to do than to speak ill and wish ill of others. It’s disgraceful.
No. This article is misinformed.
Grammar Police arrest this man he talks in pronouns he buzzes like a fridge he’s like a misused comma. This is what you get. This is what you get. This is what you get when you mess with periods.
Yeah, but your passage is full of so many grammatical errors that I don’t even know where to start. Of course you would not think there is cause for concern. I personally do not care.
That sounds spooky. Are you living with The Grammar Police? Do they have a key to your home? If not, how did they get in? What do they do once they come to your bed? Are they just tired? Are they homeless or vagrants?
I bet they would eventually learn to dodge.
Thank you for reminding me about this. Thanks to this I signed up, qualified for the tax credit, and pay $0.00 for a Cigna Silver Plan. Thanks again for the reminder. Note to self/others: Not using tobacco opens up a lot of doors.
Nuh-uh. Not in my state. Not this disgraceful nonsense. Racism is a disgrace to the human race; a blight on humanity. People should be ashamed. Racists are evil, because the greatest commandment is to love each other. These simpletons hate each other because of the color of someone’s skin. It’s disgraceful, and I am…
Abortion is the murder of a child. There isn’t any other way to look at it. It’s a child being murdered. Everything else are people justifying their murdering of a child. That’s between them and God.
Do. Want.
That literally made me gasp. I am so sorry that happened to you. People are disgusting. Racism is a disgrace to the human race.
They’re children bitter that someone else is better than them at a video game. They need to read that sentence, and let it sink in deep down. I suppose they could get super serious, and treat it like he’s a heel, but has he exhibited any arrogant behavior to deserve that? Maybe he is. I do not know. Otherwise these…
Racism is a disgrace to the human race, and it needs to be blotted out of existence. There is no excuse whatsoever to hate or dislike another person because of the color of their skin. Racism is an evil and a blight on humanity. We should love one another. Love is colorblind.
It’s because snorting is a clear indication you’ve gone off the rails. That’s crossing a line. Same with injection. Popping > eating > snorting > injecting
I was afraid the finish was gonna be popup powerbomb through the cell through the ring. I like the actual finish much better. The match was fantastic.
Funny thing is this article is one of the most racist things I’ve read in years. I’m going to do right, assume it is satire, and that I am misunderstanding. Misunderstanding and miscommunication are two of the biggest problems facing the world today.
This doesn’t seem to be the time nor the place to be writing this. Misunderstanding and miscommunication cause mischief and mayhem. Taken out of context it appears as if you are shrugging off and making light of the people that were killed in Las Vegas because they’re white. That you’re giving it a big “Oh well, what…