They need to animate this kid into the series for something as miraculous as this.
They need to animate this kid into the series for something as miraculous as this.
People with children, especially young children, have absolutely no business doing something like this. Think of your families. A job like this is tailored for the single person, or at least a married couple with no kids. I just imagine how much of my children’s lives I would miss spending at least eight hours a day…
You don’t get to joke about the Holocaust. Ever. Or slavery in any time period, and not the attempted genocide of Native Americans. Dude is getting what he deserves. I wouldn’t defend his actions at all. They were disgusting and sacrilige. Good riddance. Find another means of income other than famewhoring online.
I wish I could give his kids a Make-A-Wish. This man died doing something noble and heartwarming. He shouldn’t be forgotten.
This idiot’s time has come. End him.
You should never joke about the Holocaust. Ever. Nor slavery. Not the attemempted Native American genocide. Nor anything having to do with the worst atrocities humans have been involved in.
Depends on if we’re talking billions. I’d put up with it for that for all the good I could do in this broken world with the money.
I’m loving how you used the “showed her ass” phrase. Made me bust out laughing, and it was perfectly used.
Humanity Over Profit. This is common sense business. You treat people right, and they treat you right in return. Short term loss, perhaps, but long term gain. What’s so hard to understand about that? Applies to employees and customers alike.
They need to reward people who bought this thing at launch. They should be ashamed of themselves for being deceitful. It doesn’t matter if it was Sony forcing their hand or not; end result is the same.
Trump won. The end. Get. Over. It. He wasn’t supposed to win, but he did. He wasn’t supposed to win, because it was promised to Hillary for dropping out in ‘08. Shady people don’t always get what they wish. That’s a victory I’m happy with.
Game Type: Animal Hoarding Simulator. LOL. That’s so true. I never really looked at it that way, but that’s exactly what it is. You deserve a raise for that alone.
That doesnt just apply to retail. People,. in general, should always be kind. Everyone we meet is facing a secret battle we know nothing about.
Some people just deserve special treatment. Doesnt mean they should seek it out. Me, personally, I don’t want the special treatment. I don’t want the attention called to me. I’m not a UFC fighter, but I did come up with an idea that netted FedEx billions and even predicted the exact time it’d take. Didn’t want the…
He’s right about The Civil War. Slavery wasn’t the main reason for it in the least bit imaginable. There were about 5 reasons with slavery listed but not featured. Simpletons just desire to feel intelligent by dismissing The Civil War as based on slavery, but in reality they’re uneducated. There werent even many…
Is it really egomaniacal when you’re every bit as good as you believe yourself to be? Is it that, or does he put words to truth, and people can’t handle their own inadequecy.
Wow. Thank you for this post. This credit to the human race is who the first female president should be. I’d vote for her this election based on her background and strength of character alone.
He’d really have a field day with my ancestry. Dad’s side is German, came on the Mayflower itself, has the oldest and longest running church in the country. Mother was full-blooded Cherokee directly descended from a Cherokee Chief. Think about the pairing.
I dont see the problem other than how it decides if death is certain for the person in the car. Otherwise it’s self-preservation. You always look out for Number One even if it potentially makes you a number 2.
Ska dance all over their heads