
Probably some fine print about pot never being legal ever for a hundred years.

I’ll acquiesce. If autistic manchildren or womanchildren can make a career out of an overrated mediocre video game then more power to them. People make bank doing stupider shit than this. It’s just these same children should be appreciative of what they have, realize this isn’t going to last forever, spend less time

Anyone can learn to get good at video games. Not everyone has the physical prowess to compete at legitimate sports at a professional level no matter what work they put in. Anyone can aquire the skillset to play video games really well, because absolutely zero physical acumen is involved. Zero. Their worst case

Normal wage? Who dictates a “normal wage”? Oh, right, the people who run the damn thing whom are also being complained against. A normal wage for doing something anyone on earth could learn to do is nothing special. Not everyone can have the physical acumen to play professional sports, but anyone can put in the time

Yeah, I could have. The way the world also works is that the people who run said absurdities dictate the amount of money paid. They set precedence. If these goofs complaining want to make more money they need to find a legitimate job, because they do absolutely nothing of value to warrant demanding more money. Sure,

I wasn’t aware smashing buttons on a video game controller constituted being in pristine physical conditioning. Playing video games is a “sport” about as much as NASCAR is. It’s a sad state of affairs in the country when people believe otherwise. These goofy simpletons are being enabled to think they can play

Wait, this is for real? This dude looks too much like Jared Fogel to suit me. Why in the hell is a billionaire engaging in simpleton shenanigans

What certification do they have to make them pro, and what does it take to get said certification? You can’t just have anyone coming in all willy-nilly masturbating animals for science. Also, a job like that could very well save the world. Maybe a seed bank for animals.

Can’t trust people with ridiculous names. Also, the concussion needs to be looked into. He could be suffering from post-concussion syndrome which can devestate a person’s mental well-being which could explain the behavior that led to this happening.

Unless they’re doing so out of respect for the family. If a gun was unequivocally there then they may want to protect the man’s family while they’re grieving. Believe it or not; sometimes a person makes things about the well-being of others instead of themselves.

North Carolina became the biggest embarassing piece of trash state in the country pretty quickly. They’re on a roll with their idiotic bills.

You seem low-functioning. Though I’m surprised that you can form a complete sentence; nonsensical as it may be. Didn’t even make a little bit of sense.

It’s an open secret that there is a Hollywood Child Sex Racket. This doesn’t surprise me at all. You just never hear it being spoken of, but it’s out there. Don’t you ever wonder why child actors famously have a terribly time living later on in life? Wondered about why all these kids go ‘bad’? This is why. I thought

Steven Spielberg popped into mine.

Isn’t this just satire? You know damn good and well these low functioning autistic nerds will never be alone with a member of the opposite sex.

People being paid for playing a stupid video game should shut their mouths and be grateful for what they have. I can dig milking the cash cash all you can, but it isn’t like you’re changing the world with your children’s activity.

You’re almost spot-on, but he isn’t a kid anymore. Actions have consequences. If he did indeed do it he simply cannot be allowed to get away with it. Yeah, statute of limitations is probably over and out; especially given his age at the time; but that doesn’t mean his crime shouldn’t be made clear.

Clickbait, y0. Must be Univision’s vision for Hulk Hogan’s leftovers.

People should mind their own business anyway. and not worry about what other people make. That’d solve a lot of problems.

He should just let her have the kids anyway. Ain’t none of them his blood, right? It’s like he’s just been babysitting them for too long.