
Hopefully they discover the single player expansion. That’s about as mythical as Bigfoot and Werewolves.

Yeah, but is the black protaganist voiced by a black actor? dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun

Is this report from the No Shit Sherlock School of Obviousness? Of course Nintendo would be researching VR. It’s the future.

I haven’t even touched 3.3 yet. I meant to cancel my sub a couple months ago, but kept forgetting. It isn’t even that there wasn’t anything to do. I got way too focused and grindy. I can’t get caught up in the shenanigans again. I never realized there was such a thing as being too good at something. There is when no

Yeah, you’re gonna get a knock on your door from some boys in blue.

Thank you for making me aware of this game. You had me at ‘creators of Limbo’. I’m all over this like tears on my face watching the pentultimate Orange Is The New

It’d be cool if there were something like this in ff14. Maybe then I’d play again. The mountaintop ain’t all that great. Made me feel like One Punch Man. Waiting for someone to be better than you, but waiting futily. No, the PVP nonsense is entirely different.

Morbidly Obese Male Sailor Moon is the negative cosplay stereotype to me.

Cosplay is slowly growing on me. I’ll never give a rat’s ass about it, but I can understand it a lot better with posts like this. This is art. From top to bottom. It’s art. The sewing, production, lighting, etc; it’s all art. Sure, not all cosplay is like this. There’s still going to be the obligatory 400lb male

Yeah, I agree. Crapshoot doors are incredibly dangerous. There’s no amount of BSery however monolithic it may be that can get ya out of that.

That’s actually a pretty spot-on explanation. Makes perfect sense. People can either have Flash Sales, or a generous refund policy. I’d rather have the refund. Thinking about getting one for Stardew Valley.

This made me lose my shit laughing. Tears are still rolling. Oh wow. This is gold.

I don’t know if this is true, but that was a fantastic comment. I can actually imagine it being true, because people have some really fucked up asinine straight-up embarassment of names.

Then Alanis Mourisette would do a run-in and go Attitude Era by appearing to cut off his penis.

They know to keep the scissors away from me. Told me to cut it out.

Was wondering what LeBlanc had been up to since Friends ended. A whole lot of nothing and then this, apparently. I think he did some atrocious movie with a chimp that plays baseball or something too.

What the fuck is up with that maddening background music? Makes me wanna shoot. I’ll stretch it like Regal did Goldberg. I’ll break it like D Lo Brown broke Droz’s neck.

I just know PT Cruisers and these breadbox looking vehicles need to go. I can’t stand the sight of them, and will do what it takes to not ride behind or near one. They’re abominations.

“If ya can’t say nothin’ nice don’t say nothin’ at all” What good does any of this information do? You don’t speak ill of the dead. You let them rest. Especially when it’s decades old information, and the person in question has been dead for multiple years.

You already get props from me for being the only time I have ever read about the Hogan verdict, lawsuits, sale, and Thiel et al on this conglomerate without blame being passed around to everyone, playing the victim card, and pretending nothing was done wrong other than not knowing Hogan would sue. That has straight-up