Surely you aren’t saying Tim Drake and Barbara Gordon aren’t emotionally damaged. I could write a thesis on this, so I’ll make sure you’re just clowning first since I got shit to do and don’t wanna type it all out now.
Surely you aren’t saying Tim Drake and Barbara Gordon aren’t emotionally damaged. I could write a thesis on this, so I’ll make sure you’re just clowning first since I got shit to do and don’t wanna type it all out now.
They been watching too much Six Feet Under.
A friend of mine that used to train people in my backyard is working motion-capture at EA for the next game. He was in a limo with another mutual wrestling friend that now does Financing for EA. I should try and get in on the game. It’d be fun, at least, and be a good spearhead for my comeback after a decade. Why did…
It looks sloppy, but it isn’t entirely grammatically incorrect. The last bit made it fall apart the most. I wouldn’t have been able to stomach the writing itself. He could’ve benefited from a semi-colon and restructuring. I agree about the Editor. They must’ve thought: “Twelve-thousand words? Psh, he’s won awards and…
Gawker is the racists in this scenario for assuming white people and only white people have an imagined problem with Beyonce and the Halftime Show. If it’s such a huge racial issue then why did only three people show up for their protest in front of the NFL HQ today? I’ve only started reading Gawker recently, but I…
Well, shit, they probably didn’t even consider hermaphrodites. That’s actually a very logical and serious point. I’ll also admit my own ignorance in that I had no idea there were people who had the chromosomes of a male but were actually female. That’s actually fascinating and important to know.
They need to make it illegal. Blame Caitlyn Jenner. She said her decision wasn’t based on sexual preference, and I firmly believer her. That means you could potentially have boys who identify and are sexually attracted to girls who feel entitled to dress in the girl’s locker room. How is that okay? Why should that be…
This is the kind of trolling I can get behind.
I’m more surprised people think it wasn’t staged. I assumed it was obvious Daigo did the job.
That’s some epic levels of wit right there. Now the skeptic in me wants to see if that’s a top comment on Reddit, or if you legit came up with it.
He’d really lose his shit if you asked him why he was playing football with his feet, and how many touchdowns he gets in a game.
Her breasteses are LITTLE PEOPLE not MIDGETS. Be sensitive, ffs. I’m totally stealing that. “Cool it. Midget Tits”
Like a mute button? Lawdy me, bub, so crunk you forgot about that.
Donald Trump on steroids wouldn’t have any balls, because steroids shrink them.
Begun? You just now began to worry about his mental health? Just now? What in the world finally made it click to you that buddy here is up to his eyes in mania?
First openly-gay main character on a television series. I remember the episode vividly. It was that big a deal. Of course it wasn’t a big secret at all that she was gay, but to transfer that over to her wildly successful series; big deal. Obama is right; she started it all.
For real, right? The hell did ING ever do to them? Looks more Engrish than a Japanese clothing store.
I shook my head “nope” for about a minute straight before I could stop. Those dolls and that giant doll. Nope. I went Weeeeeeeee with the Voltron, and the rest was Meh.
You like fish sticks. Not me.
I’d disagree, because that’s a pretty awesome thing to do. His fans are smart to his gimmick, and that’s totally a Thing that Kanye would do. Actually, it’s something I’ve always wanted to see. Be like “lolno, let’s try this again”. If you don’t like the reaction you get, dress down the audience, tell them wussup,…