
People cannot really fathom how thier mood affects other people. Negativity is contagious; it’s toxic to everyone around you. Good news is the opposite is true. One of the hardest things for a person to do is stay positive, but no one ever said it was easy. It’s not supposed to always be easy. You just have to stay

Devil’s Advocate here, but they didn’t see the pictures until later. Actually, screw that, because they had all the documents. Only thing lacking *was* the pictures, but so what. What were they thinking: “Well, we know it was bad, but how bad? Did he whip her like a government mule, or was it just a love tap? Was

*high five* You win Internets.

Yo, dawg, I hurd ya liked embargoes so here’s an embargo for your embargo.

Rollins v/s Reigns was going to be both Survivor Series and the TLC PPV afterwards. They were already going to put the belt on Reigns. All the Rollins injury does is make them go the tournament route. Maybe they’ll change their minds, but I see Reigns winning the tourney, Lesnar winning the Rumble, and we have

Then maybe they should get a better education, and find a better job. They chose that job whether it be necessity or want. Nobody is forcing them to work for what they believe to be slave wages (which they *are* underpaid), and it should never be up to the customer to supplement another person’s income beyond the

I don’t know about ‘haunt for the rest of your life’. This is the sort of thing I’d get an abs workout LOLing over if it happened to me. If something like this haunts a person the rest of their lives then they need to be cleansed from the gene pool as a mercy for their pathetic and miserable lives.

I remember reading about the infamous Stargate: Worlds way back in 2008, but what I remember most is that ridiculous purple limo nonsense. I had forgotten what game it was until now, but I always remembered having a few luls and WTFs at that silly limo nonsense.

What’s not to believe? He admitted it. His *son* admitted it. Is this 18 year old really a seasoned veteran high-ranking witch who can cast spells on people and make them admit to things they didn’t do? Did she brainwash both him and the son into thinking they did this, and then make them tell on themselves? Perhaps

“Yes, I’m driving down 8th and Santa Fe and a there’s a silver Camry swerving wildly in front of me. Yes, the license plate number is...”

“Yes, I’m driving down 8th and Santa Fe and a there’s a silver Camry swerving wildly in front of me. Yes, the license plate number is...”

I have skimmed these restaurant articles for the better part of a month out of boredom, and I have come to a conclusion:

Amen to this, yo. I stopped reading the entire article after that Martini story. That self-entitled douche wasn’t even thinking about them allegedly being too drunk to drive. All he cared about was his tip, so what does he do? He calls the cops and files a false police report.

Patriots are the biggest heels in the NFL. Dirtiest players in the game. Woooooooooooooooooooooooo.

These people have some stupidass names for teams. Really stupid, super asinine, and incredibly uninspired.

This was quite a wonderful review. I just started playing the game last night, and I am starting to “get” it. You can tell when a person has an emotional connection to media, because it shines through in their writing. It’s one of the fundamentals of public speaking and writing in general that makes all the

It would have been pretty fantastic if the guy took the puck and gave it to a different kid.

For real, right? Who doesn’t want to smell like feet which also smells like peach cobber cooking. I don’t know what that means.

I woke up out of a dead sleep sweating like a pig with the some realization.

My mother passed away of metastasized lung cancer on June 18, 2008. My father, who had been working at Peterbuilt Motor Company in Goodletsville, TN about 40 years, walked the picket line at 6AM or so every morning. They were in the midst of a strike at the time, so I was home alone every Tuesday morning.