
Ya wanna know the worst part about being a WWE announcer? Especially commentary. It’s having Vinnie Mac lose his shit screaming at you in the headset. That’s why Mick Foley didnt last long when he tried commentary. That shit gets old

Yeah, that word doesn’t mean what you think it means. “APPEALED” Come on, son. APPALLED is what you’re going for. Don’t attempt to use words you hear other people say but don’t know how to spell. Ya just look silly.

If he’s really peddling that ‘money don’t matter’ bullshit how about he gives me some money to pay off my student loans and go to the doctor and dentist for potentially life-saving checkups since I don’t have insurance and can’t afford insurance. He can give some for other people I know who *know* something is wrong,

Playing ff14 on a Mac is a joke unto itself, so the client is fitting.

Children’s immaturity never ceases to amuse the frak out of me. I’d personally choose DickGod. Who wouldn’t want to be god of all dicks.

Bless their hearts. They thought Macs were for gaming.

That’s a pretty asshole thing to say, tho. Really presumptuous, and makes you come off as a blithering idiot of monolithic and epic proportions. You don’t know any of these people. You don’t know who they are, what they’re going through, or what they’ve been through in their lives. You don’t know whether or not they

Wow. That is amazing. Why isn’t this guy designing costumes for Hollywood? I’m one of the types who always gives cosplayers a bad rap. I get it now; thanks to this guy. This is art.

For the lobby errors: Switch Data Centers. Switch Back. Doesnt work? Pick a different Data Center then switch back

I’d like to say I don’t understand why iOS got it first, but then iPhone. People still losing their shit over them iPhones, so it does make sense. I just prefer Android. I understand the new iPhone is apparently really good. Good enough to make Woz switch over, but not everyone has the money to just buy a new phone.

Maybe the Weapons won’t be such huge raging assholes this time around. Those bitches were hard to my child brain.

I played it an hour and fifty-nine minutes then got a refund.

They could have said “Suck the cum out of all our old Japanese cocks while we real-life tentacle rape you” FIRST, and the line would still stretch around the block, and people still wouldn’t give a shit about anything XBone or anyone else said for the rest of ever.

I already lost my shit with this. I broke down bawling like a baby when I saw the trailer. Shit just came in waves like my dog suddenly started speaking perfect English and told me all the winning lotto numbers forever and ever.

They announced a Final Fantasy 7 remake and The Last Guardian. XBone ain’t shit, yo.

Whether my reaction be good or bad; I’m unabashed and unashamed to say I broke down crying tears of joy. Final Fantasy 7 was my first real RPG. It’s still my favorite game ever. Please, pleeeeeeease, don’t fuck it up, and give us a chance to Bring. Her. Back. Just like it was always intended.

So does the XBone. Consoles as a whole are trash.

So does the XBone. Consoles as a whole are trash.

Psh, any empty container is fair play. I pee in them just so I don’t have to stop my Orange Is The New Black Season 3 marathon, or GTAV. Amateurs. Wait, maybe I shouldn’t tell anyone that. I didn’t. No one is going to read this anyway. Plus I did get up for #2 instead of dropping an airbomb in an empty container....

I got it for 30% off a little over a month ago, because I hadn’t bought anything from GMG for so long they sent me a coupon. I was actually surprised it worked on GTAV, but much to my delight there really wasn’t any fine-print.

Waa, Waaaaaaaa, Waaaaaaaaaambulance is coming for ya. Just sit back, keep your lip quivers under control, and it’ll be all right. Bitching and moaning in this case makes people come off as entitled little brats who need to calm the frak down.