Hit up Zarathustra Anathema on Gilgamesh if ya need any help. The game really is *that* good.
Hit up Zarathustra Anathema on Gilgamesh if ya need any help. The game really is *that* good.
It's both. Optical illusion or piece of trash camera quality. I made it morph into black and blue with the power of my mind, but it is gold and white originally.
Considering she died due to vanity (plastic surgery gone wrong) he may need to make an alternate version where she's saved from hell.
I bet it's a 7-Eleven synergy marketing ploy. Or 7-Up. Make 7, Up yours with this trident.
Yall silly. Plus the idea of a guy pretending to be a girl, a guy playing a girl character, or two people sharing an account isn't unheard of. People are Weird. As. Frak. Nothing is surprising. It's borderline sociopathic, but it is what it is.
Yeah, whomever snapped that picture gonna end up dead. It's a super secret that the Death Note is too legit too legit to quit (hey hey).
I wanna be the best brainwasher that no one ever was. To enslave them is my big test to commit crimes against nature is my cause. I will travel across the land searching for and wide. Teach Pokemon to understand I own them body and soul. PO KE MON.
"more likely to base it on empathy and decency than a guaranteed spot upstairs come Judgment Day"
I had no idea that a number of people thought Steam was " is by no means perfect—as we've discussed on numerous occasions" I come to this site daily, and this is news to me. After reading this I can understand people's complaints. They're actually valid points. Early Access is quite flawed, and there is no guarantee…
Saints Row IV was the most fun I have had in a game in years. I'm looking forward to this as well. I figure if I loved Saints Row IV as much as I did, and this is a semblance of that; I'm good to go.
"If done right." Right? So no rusty knives or other ill-sharpened items, and it's perfectly fine and dandy to chop a person's head off? A blade strong and sharp enough to go right through a person's neck; okay then. Even guillotene's are known to fail, so tell me; how is it possible to make chopping a person's head…
Didn't they learn anything from the big game releases last year? You're supposed to rush your release so it has as many bugs and glitches as possible. They're regressing instead of progressing. Do they want people to actually be able to play the game without rage quitting or something? Psh.
Maria the Virgin Witch? Are they fucking serious with that? What if she pops her hyman while riding her broomstick or something? Oops. Too bad. With an anime with such an atrocious and fucking stupid premise they better go dark and get rapey. It's Japan, and they're already weird as fuck, so it wouldn't be that…
You aren't won over by the look? Have you had multiple concussions and/or wear coke bottle glasses? This car looks so badass my eyes started to tear up. Oooooh, wait, you're trolling. Ya got me. Bravo.
Poker takes skill. Blackjack takes a semblance of skill. One could argue that all of the casino games take skill depending on their perceived definition of the word. It's gambling, and so is this game. People play a game with real money, and if they win they get more money; lose and not win money. It's gambling. I…
Yeah, this is messed up. You don't troll a ten year old child. Screwing with kids is a cardinal sin. They may of well have kicked a puppy.
Waaaaaait a minute... this idiot doesn't think this is gambling? That word; I do not think it means what he thinks it means. It is absolutely gambling. It is not some bullshit "e-sport". Don't get me wrong, because I couldn't care less. People just shouldn't lie to themselves. Gross old men that fantasize about little…
Soooo no Mario Kart 8, but a bunch of other nonsense no one is ever going to play? Even a mobile game? Okay then. The people really are laughing at you instead of with you, Kotaku
I'm looking forward to see where the long overdue (and much to the chagrin of Big Oil) advent of the electric car goes. I have a 2010 Prius and love it. I can definitely see my next car being electric. I just don't see myself going back to an all gasoline driven vehicle. Now if I came into a lot of money I'd def buy…
Is any of this shi left-handed friendly? Serious question, because I want to switch to mouse+keyboard for ff14, but I'm left-handed so shi is really awkward. What's the best left-handed friendly mouse and/or keyboard?
Is any of this shi left-handed friendly? Serious question, because I want to switch to mouse+keyboard for ff14, but…