Also Willoughby

I have and though he treats her nicer, with the boyfriend there consistently around her she is still defined by her crush on Sherlock. She doesn't do much else.

Sherlock is very lucky that she had the time to change her original password.

It does here when primarily what Irene is remembered for is not being a damsel and getting the better of Holmes. Watson and Sherlock have done many different things, while Adler was in one episode

It was through Sherlock's childish infatuation that he stepped in at the end. Sure her seducing him and manipulating him somehow led to those moments, but she still takes on the very passive role

Sherlock saved her and let her go free, still really changes the context.

-North Korea planned on bombing U.k parliament during an anti-terrorism bill.

Isn't her role relegated to the punchline that she's dating a low-rent Sherlock clone, therefore clearly not over him?

I disagree, I think that's a flawed argument. That's like saying any damsel in distress has saved herself by forging an emotional connection to the hero of the story. BBC Adler was lucky that after her seductions and manipulations Sherlock was still interested enough to look for her, let alone infiltrate a middle

Comparatively, considering when ACD wrote it, I think it is. That ending, she was let go, humiliated and beaten. She was about to be executed when Sherlock saved her. By his power, she survived. And by his mercy, she continues to have her freedom.

Original Irene Adler wasn't tamed. I think you're forgetting a huge part of that story. Adler had AGENCY. She decided her own future. Regardless of whatever occupation that was, I think that's a spark feminism.

Loved that scene

It's hilarious to reread the comments in the original article that announced a CBS Sherlock procedural with Lucy Liu. We were so wrong

Well I think we can agree that most of Torchwood was abysmal

Wow there is a downvoting troll at work here people. NUDISQUS!!!

Speaking of Mary's near execution, in hindsight I'm actually surprised that it didn't rattle Magnussen more than it did. He was a guy whose shtick was entirely about sadism and domination. And then one of the people who he blackmails turns it around on him entirely. He was begging for his life before Sherlock

Silly Mrglass, you obviously don't know about the time-old bachelorette party ritual where the maid of honor and guests take turns providing blueprints of their place of employment, as well as undetectable means of entry and exit. IT WAS THE PERFECT CRIME!

This is another issue for me where I don't think that the writers mean it as a joke, since no one really calls him on it or pokes fun at him. Everybody else goes along with it like its a part of his mythic superhero persona

It was hilarious but I didn't think it was much of a slam. "Oh come on that's just sick" seems a reasonably muted reaction to finding out there are stories out there written about you and your brother having sex.

On Mary, I loved her chemistry with the cast. But as a "female character with an agenda and apparent inner life", i'm not all convinced because her actions and motivations seemed entirely dependent on the male lead. She wanted to keep her secrets because of how they would affect her relationship with John

oh yeah… I forgot about that. Besides for money, why would anyone support NK, especially a rich British politician? And how does it tie into the voting for an anti-terrorism bill?