Uncle Chigurh

It’s honestly awesome that Tebow’s “not political, just Christian” schtick explodes the first time he’s brought on air to talk about politics and just spews republican talking points. I’m sure he doesn’t think anything he said was political

He’s just jealous that the California Assembly successfully passed something.

I hope his accuracy was better than 46%.

The Tim Tebow hate on this site is ridiculous. Show me one professional athlete whose actions have had a bigger positive impact on the world than that time he volunteered to cut the skin off a bunch of baby’s dicks in the Philippines.

who the fuck is Jesus

Let’s be clear, we all know on the list of Tebow’s skills “not fucking” is well above “sports.”

Fun fact: While harder than getting a camel through the eye of a needle, it’s actually easier for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for Tim Tebow to thread a pass into coverage.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone 10 feet over thine head

Small quibble: Good college QB TEN years ago.

how ironic that the dude who would run the opposite way from his teammates to make sure everyone could see him pray on the field after the playoff win against Denver and encourage his cult to claim his inability to beat out Mark Sanchez, TWICE, was “Christian persecution” is accusing others of being “selfish.”

I like how it lists “Abstinence” before “Athletes,” and I don’t care if that’s an alphabetization thing.

“It’s not about me. It’s about we and supporting that university that I love and I went to. But now it’s not about US and WE it’s about me. And I know we live in a selfish culture where it’s all about us, but we’re just adding and piling on to that.”

OH? Go on, please....

Wasn’t it also mentioned several times during his brief NFL stint that coaches had asked him to fill a role other than QB, and he repeatedly refused to do so? Because “God wants me to be an NFL quarterback” or some such idiocy?

That shit is selfish!

“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, unless he be an amateur.”

yeah "tricked" 

There’s an acoustic phenomenon that occurs when a sanctimonious multi-sport failure whose continuing relevance is owed almost entirely to the marketing value of pandering screeches “selfish culture” at a certain pitch and volume. It’s the equivalent of the brown note

“I didn’t care that I didn’t profit from it”

Tim Tebow was on First Take Friday morning to talk with Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman

The fact that this sanctimonious blowhard is on TV bitching about this is rich given that he carefully cultivated and monetized his college image while being a terrible failure at everything else he’s tried to do professionally.

Talk about selfish. The only reason the guy starting playing minor league baseball was because his name was becoming increasingly irrelevant after he was a huge bust in the NFL and he just SUCKS in Triple-A. If it was any other player playing like that in Triple-A, he wouldnt have a job anywhere. He literally only has