Uncle Chigurh

Something Robert Kraft pays $60 for?

Can’t, I’m at work.

“Mine!” -Kempf

*murdered by Portland Timbers fans* 

Just when I start to think I have a decent handle on the world, I find out there’s not only a Jeremy Renner app, but also, apparently, an audience for it.

Don’t try to make sense of comics. You’ll only end up frustrated.

By “ass” I presume you mean “bitchin’”?

I wish I could put A-Rod in a room with the kid from my little league team who once told me that it’s better to hit a bases-loaded single than a grand slam— because it’s important to have runners on base...

AROD: 2 is better than 3

uh excuse me sir but section 5 of the NCAA football rules clearly cover a series of downs and line to gain

Last time a Tiger jumped on a pile of bodies it got a 7 iron upside the head.

Medvedev is in a foul mood, throws a tantrum at the towel guy

I must break serve.

That’s insane considering Weeden is old enough to be Luck’s father.

Still sounds like a Brock Osweiler tattoo to me. 

Brock Osweiler played in seven(!) games for my favorite team last season, and yet somehow my brain managed to completely suppress that memory until I saw that header photo and it all came rushing back. I feel like Guy Pierce in Memento right now. But instead of a Brock Osweiler tattoo I just have a mole that looks

Brandon Weeden outlasted Luck. This timeline man

If only there was an unemployed QB that previously took his team to the Super Bowl available...

The worst thing about youth sports is adults.