Uncle Chigurh

Others in the Commentariat have pointed out a few omissions from the list, but this one is the only one that matters:

The important thing is: I now know where Kirk Nieuwenhuis is playing. 


I’ve never seen anything blown up so fast in Oklahoma City.
-Mayor David Holt


Robots can never match human umpires in the key skills of holding grudges and feuding.

Thing is, the tech will get better over the next few years. Humans (especially Angel Hernandez and Joe West) will not.

Not mythical, I think I met him in Portland.

Hydra turns all of me into stone IF YOU CATCH MY MEANING

Me: violate me with that scorpion tail, daddy

This is also the correct ranking of Mythical Creatures I Would Fuck

“reasonable Boston sports fan” too unrealistic even for this list

[writes “37. Lennay Kekua”]

What color was her skin? Asking for a racist.

Mermaids are real. Saw one while i was at the beach a few years back, she was out about 50 yards into the water, frantically waving her hands at me, non-verbal creatures, so I imagine this is how they say “hello” and then she just went under the water and I never saw her again.


Pete thank you.

It’s actually Dannies DeVito.