Uncle Chigurh

Fuck you, you made all these names up.

In conclusion, good luck to whoever pays THAT next contract.

This video just won an Oscar for best editing.

He’s really not.

That was assuredly not Ted Cruz who posted that. It was an intern.

Municipalize all sports teams.

Hey dude. Fuck off.

It’s okay to immoral as long as it’s not explicitly illegal’ is one hell of a take.

Faster than light doesn’t mean instantaneous. The nearest galaxy to our own, the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, is still 25,000 light years away. If it only takes her a matter of months to get from another galaxy, she’s still moving considerably faster than the speed of light.

Who cares?

Remember when ARod graciously changed positions despite being one of the best shortstops in the league and the incumbent being possibly the worst defensive shortstop of all time? Jeter was always the villain.


What? His right foot is the pivot the entire time.

Fuck all the way off. If Oklahoma city was getting all the whistles they should, Russ would be ejected every other game.

He looks just like him already. They won’t even have to cover up Dave’s tattoos.

Stan Lee was creepy and exploitative. I’m sure he’d love it.

Based on the fact that he runs a website that publishes a shitload of antisemitic stuff like this:

He’s mad because his employers are pushing far more harmful substances on him instead. Are you really this dumb?

Her husband being an actual antisemite.

If she were actually bothered by real antisemitism she’d get divorced. But she’s not because she’s full of shit.