Uncle Chigurh

You’d be wrong.

I remember Jeff Huson simply because he’s on the Rockies’ broadcast team and he’s the wooooooooooooooorst.

Sure, maybe UNC players don’t actually go to class, but if this is what you learn in class at Duke maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

Isner will never ever win a major.

+1 brain tumor

Baseball umps are definitely dead last.

Rom Romberts


The Army is run by morons.

It’s quackery.

What does a gang in Winnipeg even do? Get all twisted on maple syrup and go cow tipping?

I’d rather have regular asphalt than some loud, ugly chip seal that tears up my tires.

The Colorado motherfucking Rockies now have the highest paid bullpen in the National League! If that’s not hot I don’t know what is.

But then they chip sealed it. Chip seal really isn’t much better than gravel.

I’d be mad too if someone put fucking chip seal on my road. There’s not much point in paving it if you’re just gonna chip seal it.

He’s garbage and you’re garbage for defending him.

Is this even enforceable?

All Refs Are Bastards

Forget it, he’s rolling.

Wait, is this how you make beautiful human submarines? Ken Bone lied to me.